A Law Firm With Mouse Ears

August 02, 2023 Modi Season 4 Episode 83
A Law Firm With Mouse Ears
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A Law Firm With Mouse Ears
Aug 02, 2023 Season 4 Episode 83

Episode 83: The AH"M crew discusses the power of setting your intentions, the Disney / DeSantis drama, and doing comedy on Kristallnacht. 

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Episode 83: The AH"M crew discusses the power of setting your intentions, the Disney / DeSantis drama, and doing comedy on Kristallnacht. 

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Then several other members of the awareness 2019 organizations, given the scholarship, make it a very, very memorable and popularнов nd, even though at least an interpreter should be the honor seconds on campus to these organizators, no matter how well there is place together as awareness quarter워. W w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w w. And here's Modi. Three, two, one and welcome to. And here's Modi we are today. I hate saying just me.


It's just family tonight it's just family, right. At this point, what would you say?


We're in a threeple with Periel.


Periel, we taped.


We've seen a lot of recently.


You were great yesterday. We did. We're going to have in a few weeks. You'll hear about Jackie from just Jack.




Jack Snacks.


We taped the whole thing with her meat cooking and speaking of cooking, we should pause and thank our sponsor, A&H Glut kosher provisions.


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The website is wwwkosherdogsnet and you get 30% off your first order if you use the promo code.


MODY and whites and Luxembourg, the law firm you want to have behind you, the law firm that does well and also does good, the very philanthropic and Arthur. Luxembourg is a close friend of the podcast and mine and yours. Yep, you never met Arthur yet.


I met him yesterday. Oh my God, I forgot. Oh my God.


But you never hung with him.


No, but I got a friend.


It's hanging with Arthur and meeting Arthur's two different worlds.


I liked his outfit at the end.




Also their website very important is not whites and Luxembourg, although because I've been saying that incorrectly they actually bought that domain as well.


No, they didn't Because of you. Well, that's actually smart. They should redirect. That's actually a good idea.


But their website is whites.


Lux. I even knew that.


And the reason.


I knew that is because when I was in their office once I was like I'm going to be in their office once there was a whole like okay, arthur ordered lunch every day. Literally it's like a kid-ish goes on. Really, if I'm in the area, I pop up and they have these amazing legal pads. I just threw a whole bunch in there. It's in whites Lux. It doesn't say whites Luxembourg. That's the only reason why I knew that. I love that, yeah, okay.


So okay, so thank you to our sponsors, and I guess that's it. Thank you very much. Shows at ModiLivecom.


That's episode 83.


And here's Modi.


Someone wrote our past episode was 82, which is Chesed, you know, in the. Did you see that comment?


No, yeah, it was very cute.


What's the next one? In the Jewish religion, letters have a numeric number, and our last one, which our last episode?


it was episode number 82.


82, which is Chesed which is giving and charity. I love that. Wait I have.


I have, I guess, a fun story from this week that might be fun to tell.


Let's hear.


And I haven't rehearsed it so it might be a little bumpy. But rehearsed it.


I got a letter in the mail oh it gone there From myself. Oh, wow, Apparently, in high school, senior year of high school, my high school English teacher made us write letters to our future selves. Did he tell you this yet? And she said you have to write like at least three pages, just like kind of explain what you're going through right now, what you hope to have achieved in four years, like a little time capsule to yourself. And so I had done it.


I completely forgot about this assignment. Obviously it was in high school. I did it one morning and went on with my day and I guess I had to give her I had to provide her a mailing address to one day send these out. And so it went to my parents' house. My dad, who has the same name as me, received this letter, thinking it's for him, and opens it and inside is like a full, intimate snapshot of, like my 18-year-old brain and everything that I was going through at the time and it was really intense. But I read it to you and you saw that I checked a lot of the boxes off of like what I wanted in life.


So I take the mail, I pick up the mail and I see a handwritten envelope says from Atlanta, georgia. My parents live in Georgia, yeah. So I'm like I don't know what it was. I'm like I knew it was going to be loaded. I knew this wasn't going to be just an easy. Hey, we got your whatever enlistment card or something whatever they were.


I don't want to, oh my gosh.


Well, he's still in the age where you have to enlist, no.


Let's not talk about the draft right now. Okay, all right.


So I'm looking at this letter and I'm thinking do I give it to him now or we wait for after the weekend or after the nine days of Tush above? But I said here you go, I gave it to him and he read it and it was good, you nailed it. I did nail it. You have to have, you have to see your future. You have to see it literally.


I basically was like one you need to get out of this town. Really Number two you need to like. You're like you love your friends. They're great, but you're not going to be friends with them in four years, you know that.


I know that let's move on, yeah.


And then I said you're going to get to the city, you're going to. And then I even wrote like Right now, you want to know job. I wonder if you ever got that done, which I did. And then it ends with like by the way, you want to get married. Like hopefully, gay marriage is legalized by the time you get this letter that didn't happen until Happen, until 2015, and that this letter was dated 2011, so 2011 yeah okay, marriage was legalized in 2015.


Yeah. So when I wrote this letter to myself, it wasn't yeah, legalized everywhere.


So I was wow and it was um, and he wanted to live in the city in a large lofty space which he has, okay, which he has. You've seen the apartment. It's called man, if that station ever heard of it. But then he says with high ceilings. And that's where I yeah, we don't have super high ceilings. We're the regular Manhattan eight foot, nine foot, whatever see ceilings, it's not high ceilings.


but hey, I was very specific in the letter though specific, be specific.


Yeah, I, I write my intentions every day. You really do, I really do. And they all come true.


They all money, spends like an hour and a half writing his intentions every day not every day About an hour and a half. It seems like an hour and a half when I'm waiting for you to get the day started, but I respect it so much because it's a beautiful thing. This is like your spiritual practice.


I'm like let him do his thing before I do my prayers, before I put on my fillin and do my prayers, I combine with the fillin and the intentions and everything.


By the time you're spiritually ready for the day, it's like 130 in the afternoon.


It's not true.


First of all, I really only sit down and write it with. I know you look another hour of sleep in you, so I got just a lot lately, yeah. So then I sit there and I write. I first of all have him all Printed out and I keep adding and changing. So once or twice a year I change what I'm Intending and manifesting and it all comes true.


It's really important to do that.


I've been. I've been better about doing mine too, yeah but I've been getting.


I've been getting a lot of messages through through like my phone and and social media, which which is I know it's. It's that there's something there. There's not. It's not evil to social media. But they say you should do it at night so that you're subconscious, conscious. Do what social media night? No, social media message is letting me know that you should do your intentions at night too, because then it's in your subconscious when you go to sleep and you can manifest it through there. But I will tell you everything I've, I've, everything I've, I Swear to God. It literally is everything from miracles to To just even just to the fact that I want to live in a state of miracles and good news. And I do, I live, I live in a state of miracles and good news.


I love that I really do. No, because of you I started doing it. I don't do it every day, but I would say I do it Three or four times a week.


That's amazing, and even if I don't write it down, I'll read through them before I put my filling on, before I begin to Dabbing in prayer. I Things that you say yeah, I am I.


My, my one that I like lately is I am kind to myself and those around me, yeah kindness, yeah, it's a struggle every day.


He cried himself to sleep last night.


By the way, I'm gonna start doing that, because the most I can muster is to listen to snoops.


Oh, that's a great. I'm gonna insert that right here. Pause for me to insert the snoop dog.


Ever it's actually that is the most I know I will.


I'm telling you people no, but my hands start hurting.


I write like a small moleskin notebook size page you have he has like architect draft paper, yeah, like scribes of full. I'm like how's your hand not hurt?


I love the first of the birds legal?


no, I don't use it to the pad.


It's the pads. It's an old legal pads I use, by the way, when I'm on the phone with somebody or speaking to somebody. Oh, you have a thousand legal pads everywhere. I I need to, while I'm speaking to them, write things out. Yeah, so when they say like, and then maybe Thursday will do so, I'm writing. I just write Thursday.


Yeah, but nothing else with it. I want you do it, I like it's a part of my.


I don't know if it's a DD or dyslexia but I just Scribble In one ear and out the other way, just it keeps me focused on the conversation.


So maybe Thursday, so I'm right, thursday I'm Brooklyn or whatever, just words that are happening in the conversation.


No, I kind of do that too. Right now I have three notebooks going on. One is the I am Manifestation notebook. Yeah one is like my daily task workbook, where I open it to a new page every day, I put the date on it and I just do like one word, kind of prompts of like I spoke to peri all about this today, like I spoke to this person today need to do this, this and this tomorrow, and that helps me, kind of organize myself.


That I have. I have, yes, because then I can also look back at like last Monday, and what was I working on last Monday?


and then I have right, I have a new one that's kind of only four pages deep, that's. I'm just calling it my free right notebook. And what are you writing in the free right note? Just word vomit, word vomit.




Nothing spiritual or funny or anything.


I have my to-do, my action item list notebook too, and then I it's Gives me anxiety to look back in it because I'm like, oh my god, I can't believe I still haven't done that.


No, mine are all done.


Oh, here's a done my letter, for it's my high school letter.


We are taking shit off the list.


There is no, there is what. When something could be done right away, he does it but that's an anxiety I need to order. Workout. So my mom, like when I get to the computer all over We'll chitcha, chitcha, chitcha, chitcha, chitcha.


Point of having a nap on your phone, so when it enters your brain, you could just oh, let me just do this in 30 seconds and move on with my day, otherwise you'll never remember to do anything.


That's why I have to write everything down.




I am how.


You're not allowed to do anything until when. What's going on?


You said you're playing this to me spiritually right now. Can you explain? I was gonna?


do that with our next guy, okay, and maybe air that before this one.


Oh, they don't need.


Well, anyway, I want to say thank you to mrs Allen. This is who, mrs Allen, your teacher, who made us do this assignment and Full name. Honestly don't know. I think Roberta.


Where she might be dead. She was like could we get? To the more important stuff. So there was also somebody you had a crush on in high school.


Oh, don't say the name so in the letter which again, my dad read this letter like completely really he didn't mean to, he didn't know was it was for him no, no, no it said Leo.


He knew it wasn't for him.


I know how can you not read, how can you not?


I don't, I don't blame him.


I don't blame him wait.


So what do you want? So what you?


also say I hope my mom isn't as big of a sugarness she is now. Yeah, that never. And not in those words I resolve really Leo.


You weren't using yet no.


Back then I was wasn't conversant in yet Um.


Conversational and conversational and yet, but um no, I mentioned a guy that I had a crush on at the time in high school and I wrote, I wrote his full name out. I had completely forgot that this human even existed until I got the letter again. I looked him up on Instagram he's still alive. My friend Evan. Oh my god. At the house the other night and I was like Evan, I have to read you this letter. It's so crazy.


Wait a minute, I come home. I come home. I went to do a shoot for the festival. I come home. Our friend Evan is a full bottle of wine Finish, he's in our stuff on our stuff and I go. What happened?


he goes well, I read him the letter and then he googled so I he was like wait, let me look up my high school crush at the time. And he was dead as of three days ago.


Why are we laughing at?


that because it's we can laugh, but it's, it was just an intense ten minutes of like my past self being like hey, what's going on?


and then Evan being like oh, he's dead but Leo, in in in college, showed me a picture he had in his room, one of those huge pictures of the Flat-iron building from a Kia. And Leo had a job, my first job in New York, my whole salary?


I mean no, my first salary, internship, whatever job in New York. The view from my window was that exact angle of the picture of the flat iron building love that building now.


Now Leo has just pictures of private jets. That yeah.


I'm really manifesting private jets and houses in Florida, even though not really not really guys. We have to talk about. Florida because, as we all know, I'm originally from Florida and I hate the winter here, so I've been dragging Modi to Florida the past two January's. You came last last year.


Not just the winters you hate, you also hate the noise here.


I hate the noise and and and we always say, oh, it's, but it's nice in the summer, once it warms up, but it's, let me tell you, it's summertime now and I'm it's uncomfortable.


Are you?


anyway, Okay, whatever. So we were wanting to move, we were wanting to get a house in Florida, but our friend Peter, who's a broker in Palm Beach, is like everyone's fleeing Florida like refugees, like it's insane down there because of the Santas and this crazy.


Look what he's the anti-gay rules and don't say gay and the gun?


no, it's not even for me, not even the gay stuff, it's the guns. Like you can just go into a store and buy a gun and put in your pocket and go to the mall like you Don't have a, you don't need a and carry.


That's what people do I think how unwell is Somebody if you're taking on Disney. Do you know how much sugar you need to be to take on Disney? First of all, disney is, if you just think of Disney, in, like you Know, like what's that word? Association, disney, blah, blah, blah. Right yeah, when I think of Disney, I just think of all my friends that have children and they hit a button on the iPad that says Disney and Hand it to the kid and the kid is occupied for eight hours.




That's machine energy, if you. I mean. That's insane. No, the kids busy for for for eight hours. Yeah, busy learning Propaganda according, whatever the kids busy, so so if you're getting people behind you, any politician that comes into office, they got to take something on. I'm taking on gun laws. I'm taking on this if you're our governor or mayor. I'm taking on the Electricians Union or whatever they're taking on, but it's something that you can a win right something you can win.


I don't think people can get behind you, right? You know I was getting behind you to take Disney down, and Disney itself is a law firm with monkey ears.


Mouse ears. You messed up monkey mouse ears. Whatever, it is, law firm with mouth. Let's take it again.


And Disney is a and Disney itself is a law firm with with mouse ears.


That's what you're going after.


That's not well, no these people are sick.


They're sick in the head. They really are.


So he was told that a lesbian couple was making out in a park and they got arrested a golf course on a golf course and they got arrested under like the same claws of some child Milestation law or something, because there was a child there like in the vicinity, or something like crazy like that.


That's so. It's pretty scary. So we're rethinking Florida. We are rethinking Florida. It's it's pretty scary.


We're gonna be bike hostel. La like, la like.


New York, unless there needs to be a fat gig for me.


Yeah, there needs to be a fat G6 shuttling us back and forth.


Just make sure you have a room for me, please. The little setup I had in Florida.


You like, yeah, okay.


That house that we rented on Airbnb, that you had visited, flooded no, oh yeah, during the last round of like crazy storms down there, what?


happened to those weird neighbors there?


Hot neighbors or the weird one, I don't know how did it okay what it was like on a bay or something. It's called the intercoastal, yeah, which is basically a canal that leads to you can't water out one bill no you cannot, so I think you go back to manifesting.


Okay, I think that should be the.


Manifesting. Okay, I like that.


I both totally believe in that and I'm we've spoken about it before you how you think Dr Wayne Dyer's book the power of intention should be required required reading for everyone.


Dr Wayne Dyer's book the power of intention should be required reading for anybody graduating junior, high school and high school you gave it to me.


When we started dating you said if you're, if we're going to be in a relationship, or like if you're, you need to read this book. So you like, understand me and I read it.


I love that.


Yeah, you gave me a sign, an assignment, it's.


It has. I bought it to read.


I haven't said it's a, it's okay. We have both of your books sitting on our coffee table.


I'm reading on my knees right now.


How is it?


It's good, I told you know you haven't read it. I'm watching Henry. I Watch his reactions when he reads, so that's how I know how it's good. Because it, because I watch him read, and I said oh, he's enjoying the book. Her book is good, I'll get to it. Ha ha, I read the other book. You gave me mouse because there's a cartoon, so it's easy to read.


I'm trying to get mr Spiegelman on this show. I know.


But yeah, you have to manifest, you have to have a vision of what it is, otherwise you're like a little bag just drifting through the for the garbage and um, you ever feel like a plastic bag, Katy Perry.


Yeah, yeah um speaking of Katy Perry.


Yes. No speaking of man, I think Katy Perry.


No, although, if we're speaking about musicians, I do want to talk to you about Beyonce. But I do also want to say, if we're talking about bags, I smoked marijuana, the other day.


I'm gonna call the police. It's legal. What are you gonna call the police about?


It was so much fun.


That's fun. That makes me happy to hear that you had a good time. I'm happy to hear you had a good time on marijuana. I was crying. I was laughing so hard Is it a gummy?


or a no, I don't like gummies, I like smoking. Okay, so you smoked, and what happened? We'll get set us up when are we Okay?


so I have my best girlfriend.


Perry is letting her hair down smoking a J.


I've never seen her hair up. I've never seen Perry up with her hair up. That's a metaphor, I know, but I'm just saying she's always got it, she's always ready to go and go crazy.


I used to be a hardcore padhead. You know that.


I've probably done that. Yeah, you've told us this and but.


I stopped smoking a long time ago, before I had Ari, not because of anything, just because it lost its lure, yeah, pizzazz I smoked so much I realize now that I was self-medicating for anxiety like from 15 to well into my 20s. But I smoked the other day and really really good weed and what was the environment?


Were you at home? Were you?


out. Yeah, it was on my porch.


Okay, that's, I was with my nephew.




Who's 12? No, I'm just kidding, no.


How old is he?


He's 30. Okay, and he had really really good pot with him and he rolled it up with like marshmallow leaves and like, really like, wow, marshmallow leaves. Organic marshmallows and I took two hits and I was like, oh, I don't really feel anything Like I was starting to feel like really nice. And then I took like another, like huge third hit and all of a sudden On your ass. I was so high.


Two and three hits. I will just tell you right now is a big, big difference. Marijuana and I are not friends anymore. Two hits before the gym is amazing Three hits. Sometimes you're just it's too much.


It was.


It's a personal, so you were giggly, or you were like just mellow or like cracking up.


I was crying, I was laughing, so hard. That's good, it was so good fun, but it was also very philosophical and I think my best girlfriend has been trying to get me to like do all of like this, like Bufo and psilocybin.


What the hell? No, no, no and what's?


the other one Ayahuasca.


Ayahuasca and mushrooms.


Why? This is all the Nishama stuff.


That's it. Do it, Go for it.


It's supposed to be like really enlightening.


It is. I tried mushrooms. They made me sleepy.


LSD is scary. No, LSD, no, no, no, not LSD, but like.


Too scared to do that.


There is a lot of like research that's coming out now saying that Not now forever for years and years and years, but it's becoming more like mainstream accepted.


You need to be in a frame of mind Like I'm ready to change something in my life, so this might be able to help me move on. And when we had Dr Radowitz here, the ketamine put you just out of your body for a few minutes, so you can just regroup with yourself.


So it's supposed to be like. So I try to meditate every day. And what meditating is supposed to do? It's supposed to clean out your nervous system. That's why people swear by what's it called.


Transcendental meditation yes, transcendental meditation.


I don't do that, but I would like to learn how to do that.


That's a very serious. I once went to that.


they charge a lot too we had that monk who wants to come on the podcast, I know, or bring him on, okay, side note anyway, side note.


So. But mushrooms is supposed to be like. If you do it in an environment like that, it's supposed to be like as good as like a year's worth of meditating.


That's what's in me, yeah, and then they're doing it for, like, ptsd and all sorts of like. Yeah, I'm all for it and I think it should be legal.


You can agree Right in vimeo too yeah yeah, when you're on in the fire island, everybody's. It's a great place. There's no cars, there's no noise, everything's nature.


I'm not sure you could do it, I'm not sure I'm stable enough, Like I feel like.


I might. Yeah, that's how I feel.


I might lose it, you could do it.


Like a strip on my clothes. Often run into traffic. No, no.


Like I'd be in my. I'd be in my Bellevue.


I'd be like, I'm like a nervous breakdown, but you can always start very small, no one needs to do massive doses of anything. That's true too.


Okay so far we've covered manifestation drugs and ascentis.


And now we're gonna move on to Beyonce.


Oh, what about her? We're seeing her this Saturday in New Jersey.


I can't believe we're seeing her this Saturday. It was January right when we bought the. We were in Florida when we bought these tickets. I'm driving down the highway and I see, you know, like on the airplay, on the, the other part of my phone.


I see like $12,000 charge on my Amix and I'm like, hey, what did we just buy? And he goes Beyonce tickets. I'm like oh wow, what are we sitting on stage with her? And he goes no, I bought a whole bunch because we could also resell them. And cause he was cause he said when people buy tickets to my show in the second mark, people say I paid $400 for a ticket to see you, I'm like where?


Yeah, we're not seeing any of that money.


So he says I want to do that too. And he manifested it. He bought a whole bunch of Beyonce tickets.


I bought eight Beyonce tickets, I kept two of them?


Did you just give them all away to your friends?


No, I was planning on selling them for a lot more money but this is what happened. I had four. I had eight tickets four in a really good section, which is where we're sitting, four in still a really good section, which is like a little further back but like directly facing the stage. Not one of those like you're at an angle thing, like you have a full, direct view of the stage. So I was happy with those tickets that I got too. But the other two tickets in our row that we had, I sold like just like a little bit above of what I paid for them to our friend Kelsey who's organizing a party bus to go to New Jersey with everyone so that they could come and sit with us. Yeah, and the other four tickets I sold on Ticketmaster to like random people for like I don't know.


Way more than what.


I paid for them. Yeah, now, I didn't know that the two of you were such big Beyonce fans.


Well, I'm a Beyonce fan.


I'm a fan of the new album and I'm a fan of doing this kind of. I've never done this kind of a concert you took me to.


I took you to Robin Leepa, which you didn't like Because the seats were horrible. We were Madison Square Garden, yeah, and then I took you to Dua Leepa, yeah, which is fun.


We had a great way to blast.


That was a good show.


That was also in Madison Square Garden. Yeah, but this is a full. There's a party bus.


We're all going to the we're all going together Like it's like 20 people.


What's it called 20 people.


Wow. Yeah, we're not all sitting together, but like people are coming in little groups in our bus, yeah, so I'm excited for this.


Now are we getting dressed up for this. Is that like that? No, Everyone.


When you I see on Instagram, I'm dressed, right now to go there, yeah, I basically.


Black T-shirt and sneakers. I'm pretty much I'm all set for Beyonce right now. Okay, but I'm excited for it it's. I can't believe how just time flies. Time is really going by.


Time, just bam.


I know it's crazy we have to plan our summer, we have to plan our everything and we have to also plan for. We've been planning, we've been buying tickets for the shows in Europe, in Israel, and it's again shout out to Yossi at high class, no yeah. Yossi, yossi comes through Yossi at high class travel. He is a chassidic guy.


Like you, send me an air.


France, point. I'm talking to him in Yiddish. Wait, did you hear?




Did that again. Go ahead, how's it, how's he talking no, no, no no, no, no.


I don't think it's appropriate for me to do the accent. I don't think it's in my will.


I'm gonna send you out like this I need you to send air France to 100,000 points and then send over to Air Mexico and transfer from there to Swiss Air and from Switzerland to bring it back. I don't know what he does with the points. We bought the most amazing tickets for nothing, All business class, all for really really, really for New York to Tel Aviv.


Tel Aviv, paris, paris, new York.


Yeah, when are you going to Tel Aviv?


We are going there To Coat To Coat.


Oh, I'm supposed to go to Tel Aviv next week, oh girl.


Oh girl, which we can talk about that now.


Reference Israel. Reference Israel. Can everyone just come to what?


the hell is going on and it's insanity. I honestly don't know what's going on, so I've tried to keep up, but it's like I've not our friend came, my cousin, ron, was in town, tried to explain it to me a little bit. It's very it's so hard to to. The only good thing I see is just like that, the, the country's united.




But? But people who are not religious and people who are some are religious, people who just don't believe it have united. There's like they're marching in the street, they're protesting. They brought them together against a horrible thing, against a horrible, horrible thing, which is the government having more power, the government having zero checks and balances.


That's right.


And and yesterday it passed, and today already they're already passing a law that learning Torah is like doing army service.


That kind of stuff? Did it pass? I don't think it has.


I don't know the exact stuff, it's so.


Thousands and thousands of reservists. Yeah, pilots have said that they're not going to fly, they're not going to practice. They usually practice every week.




God forbid. You need the army. I mean, that's the thing that keeps Israel safe. Is the army?




And so, and thousands of doctors have said that they're going on strike.


And the airport and the airport staff and it's really really scary.


And the videos are insane. I mean, the small places become dictatorships.


Yep, yep, and it's.


So I don't know. I'm supposed to go next week. We'll see.


Hope the airport's not closed when you get there and I hope the airport's not closed when you come back.


Well, I'm also supposed to go to Greece, which is apparently on fire On fire Well we just have to get used to the fire thing.


I think the whole planet's just going to be on fire for a little bit.


It's really depressing, it's depressing, but let's keep there's hope. But there's hope, I think that. I really think sometimes you have to take a step back. It's called Lechotrilo River. You take a step back so you can go two steps forward. Yeah, that's what. I just yeah. So I think that's what.


I was just talking about that before I came here with my cousin who's in Israel. That's like. She's like. My parents fought, my husband fought, I fought, my children fought, everybody fought for this country. And I said, well, you know, sometimes you really have to goes back before it can go forward. I hope so. I really do.


It's. I think so. I think the fact that so many Israelis have united with each other to go against this that united them. The crazy Haredi were. They were uniterated. We're set to go nuts Now, the other people who were just enjoying Israel's it's. I can't, I really can't speak. You know, I left there when I was seven. I didn't go back to do the army because I didn't have to and I was already Americanized by that time. But it's so. It's so the videos and it's so hard to understand because I'm reading it in Hebrew and it's like difficult Hebrew, because it's like I don't know what's happening in that world, and then when you do the translate, it's not good.


It's a mess, right, it's a mess. I'm with you, I'm also like. I tried to understand, so it's so hard to understand but we just have to send them.


I mean literally pray for Israel, wait can we talk about the shows in Europe and the fact that I may or may not have accidentally planned a comedy show on Kristallnacht, so we should do that. I know you've already talked about it on your Instagram, but maybe not everyone's seen it. So this is what happened In November, we planned a show with our lovely friends at MRG, who's the promoter we've been working with for the US shows. They put you in Amsterdam. That show sold out on November 6th in like less than 24 hours, right, baruch Hashem.


So next day, november 7th, you have an event in Frankfurt for, like, frankfurt Jewish Cultural Week or something. They're bringing in all sorts of artists and they're doing comedy with Modi as part of that. So we have to go from Amsterdam to Frankfurt. Then they were like hey, amsterdam is, like you know, really foaming at the mouth, like for you to add another show. Should we add another show? And I was like well, sure, but we're in Frankfurt on the 7th, so we need the 8th as a travel day. So the soonest we could do it would be the 9th and they go okay, great, let's do it. We put it on sale. It's live. I start getting messages. How dare you do a comedy show on Crystal?


Noct, they weren't. How dare you? They were just like.


Yes, they were, yes, they were. It was like they were like I don't know if you know this, but like you're planning a show on Crystal Noct, it's like one of the saddest days of the year and I just thought it was interesting because I got all these messages, yet the show is basically sold out.


The show sold out and people are still coming, so wait for people who might not know what Crystal Noct is.


Yeah, Evan didn't know what Crystal Noct was.




Noct is the night. I was a. What is it? What's the date?


November 9th.


Where the, where it was literally open, open house, go and destroy Jewish homes.


It's kind of like almost the beginning of the Holocaust On.


November 9th 1938, crystal Noct, or the night of broken glass, also called the November pogrom, was a pogrom against Jews carried out by the Nazis parties paramilitary forces, and they unleashed a series of pogroms against the Jewish population in Germany. Okay.


So we. So this is in Germany, and the show is November 9th 1938.


In 1938. In November 9th 2000, 23.


2023. The Jews, the Jews, no, the Jews are. So where are we now? Where are we?


now we're not in our homes hiding behind sofas and under tables, and we are at a comedy club, laughing at ourselves, at them, at each other, having a great time. It just it's. It's how you view it. I understand, I understand, but it's interesting.


Just in case, because I feel like this didn't really come through. So the sounds of breaking glass shattered the air in cities throughout Germany and parts of Austria. By the end of the rampage, gangs of Nazis Troopers had destroyed 7,000 Jewish businesses, set fire to more than 900 synagogues. And killed a lot of people killed 91 Jews and deported some 30,000 Jewish men to concentration camps.


Okay, so it's kind of like the unofficial start of the Holocaust, the Holocaust.


Right could be better than you performing?


Right, it's like a big middle finger to like all these 100 who tried to exterminate you guys. That's my view when are they?


Where are we? There is I mean there's a Nazi party, but it's Michigan, in the middle of, in a park in the middle of America or whatever there.


But we are still thriving, going, moving, have a country, have a, have a and have a comedy night for a second I was like, well, I was like I think this is fine, whatever, like I think these people are being kind of ridiculous. And Then I was like we went to a concert on 9-eleven last year, like people, and that was not in 1930, what 1938, 19 that was. So I think it's healthy for people to Be respectful and keep it in mind. But like also, especially if the Jewish calendar, I mean, there's so many days that are just blackout dates, so you're not allowed to do right.


This is you have to, if to choose. I think we're celebrating Christo and by having a comedy night. I was actually happy and when we did a post about it, people were like you're right, yeah right, and this is. This is okay. So having fun. You should be having fun and not sitting there going. They killed us and they, but we remember what happened and and here we are. We're, like you know, a few days away from Tisha be ever in the one of the worst crystal nights ever.


The temples were destroyed by the Romans and the Greeks at different times on the same date, and we remember. We remember that it's happen, but we don't need to sit in our house and cry and lament and we need to Still celebrate that we we were having a comedy night.


How? First of all, what is misshigoyim? Is that like a mix of misshigas and go him.


Mm-hmm, crazy going now.


It's okay, everybody misshigoyim the fact that he just like tosses out words like that misshigoyim is.


Let's say yes, want people, but they're not even misshigoyim they live in I'm talking about misshigoyim is like Not bungee jumping, I'll take misshigoyim Going into a Submersive submarine. Oh wow, we're back. When you are told that there are six people that are in, I knew there were no Jews in there and I said misshigoyim, misshigoyim, these billionaire misshigoyim, it's misshigana crazy and guy him, put together Yamanica.


Yamanica, the comedian who, just she, was at the roast of anti-semitism. If anyone was there and listening to this, she the Last night or the night before, did a full like 15 minutes at the cellar just on that submarine and I was crying, laughing, like tears coming down my and it was more for her delivery than from her from the material.


Yeah, her, just her pauses of like her, you know her reframing the situation, then turning to the audience, like letting it sink in, like how crazy she comes on there she has like a fanny pack and the phone that's like wrapped around her neck and she starts to Undress almost like a striptease she's doing taking all this stuff oh she's getting comfortable.


She says if I don't like the audience, I don't take any of it off. I don't take any of it off. So shout out to yamanica, let's plug our dates in Europe. Let people know what's going on. Oh, okay, we are going to be in Brussels, amsterdam, frankfurt, berlin and Paris. Paris sold out, they're mostly miss sold out now. The chosen comedy festivals August 8th. August 8th, the chosen comedy festival. It's gonna be unbelievable. Ari Shafir, ilan gold, me, jeff Ross surprise guest, I can't mention his name Jessica Kirsten's coming back, triumph, the, the insult dog, and many, many more. And Leonard, what's his name? Hysterical, I can't get his last name, leonard. Please just look at the chosen comedy festival.


You'll die laughing. Don't bring up someone's name unless you have it on the tip of your tongue but he's hysterical. Speaking of doing shows on questionable dates. September 11th You're in Berlin, but you're also in Berlin, sir. September 12th, so this was the overflow date that we added okay 12th sold out.


September 11th is still on sale. Then you're in Israel for Sukkot, october 1 in Tel Aviv, the second in Jerusalem, the third in Herzliya, the fifth and bit shemish. Then we go straight to Paris for shows on October 10, 11 and 12. Those are all sold out. Then you're in Brussels, november 5th, amsterdam November 6th, frankfurt, november 7th. Then we go back to Amsterdam for Kristallnacht, as I mentioned, on November 9th, and then you are at the town hall and your biggest New York show of the year. That show is basically sold out.


I was a few struggling to like. There's a few individual tickets and we're gonna be releasing yeah, so we actually.


This is some this is insider information Breaking news, when you so. This is an event that's hosted by Ticketmaster and what they do is they save, basically, like the best row of seats. Yeah which is like the center section, like two rows back.


Yeah they save those two rows of seats and only once everything else sells out they release those at like a higher rate. They're called like platinum priced seating. So once the demand is really high and I think those seats have started to go on sale oh, they have. They released them in like little two-chunk Packages, but otherwise everything backstage. Are you crazy? You're not. Then you do have the Boca Black box for New Year's Eve.


And those are four shows. It's so fun.


Those are basically sold out already though. Oh my god, that where we were and we are going to be announcing more shows Sometime near the high holidays. Yes, not for the other tour for winter fall.


You know what else you're gonna be doing is you're gonna be carving out some time to get some writing done.


Yes, let's discuss that afterwards. In the meanwhile, we want to thank you for listening. Mody live. Comm for anything with me. Hit us up, let us know what's going on. What about you?


I'm at perio ashenbrand on Instagram. I'm in that.


Thank you again to our sponsors a and h, and to Whites and Luxembourg. Thank you very much for partnering and collaborating with us to make this podcast happen. Thank you all. Meshih energy, be the friend that brings the friends to the comedy show. See you all soon.

High School Reflection
Manifesting Dreams and Setting Intentions
Writing and Organizational Habits
Books, Marijuana, and Beyonce
Government Power and Hope for Israel