Lost & Found

Modi Season 8 Episode 122

Episode 122: The AH'M crew covers everything from pole vaulting to prayers for lost items. 

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welcome to, and here's modi and here's modi. We are back. We are back in the studio. It's been a minute, but we've been feeding it, we've been putting out podcasts, um, this is uh, oh, my god, we are. We are in, uh, the nine days. I hate this. I know you hate it, I know, but I never remember when they are.


I never remember nine days before.


It's just you gotta check your vibe, you gotta just easier. But just take everybody. Just gotta calm down the nine days and that's it.


It Can you explain the nine days? Just like a little bit for someone.

Periel :

For somebody who maybe is tuning in now.


Yeah tuning in now. So by now, if you're hearing this, the nine days are over. The nine days are the nine days from the beginning of the Rosh Chodesh. The new month of the Hebrew month of Av has the first to the ninth. The ninth is when Tisha B'Av, the ninth day of Av, has the first to the ninth. The ninth is when Tisha B'Av, the ninth day of Av, which is one of the worst days in the world for many things. Many horrible things happened, mainly the destruction of the temple Right, the temples that were destroyed, but a million other things have happened on this day. That's just an awful, awful day. It's bad energetically. It's a bad. It's an energetically challenging day. Okay, it doesn't have to be. It does not have to be a bad day.


It's a day you Lead up the nine days is where-.


Lead up, so really it's 30 days before.

Periel :

Now it's 30?


30 is when they began to come into the, to break through the walls of Jerusalem and all that, so it's 30 days.

Periel :

I thought you just told me I can't go swimming, yeah, on the nine days. What are the main things you can't do?


Swimming is a big one. You don't eat meat. No swimming. You don't eat meat on the nine days.


You just check your vibes on the nine days, just easy, wow Good thing on the nine days Just easy, wow good thing we're ordering sushi tonight.


Yeah, we're ordering sushi tonight, Just to check your vibes. And it's my uncle's yurt site. I have an uncle that died on the fifth day of Av tomorrow.

Periel :

Because he was on a boat, right.


On a boat. Yeah, and that's right. It's in the book and I'm going to go to his grave tomorrow. I do every fifth day of Av. I go to his grave, really. Yeah, he's like the best grave in the world. My parents have a place there too. It's right. On that, lie when you're heading out you just pop right in Say hello.


Sometimes I'll just ask Modi. I'll be like hey, where do you think you're going to bury me? And he'll be like Queens. And I'm like I don't want to be buried in Queens. I don't want to be buried in Queens. I barely went to Queens when I was alive.


I know we're not going to be buried in Queens, but you say it's easy for people to visit. It's easy for people to. Yeah, I want people to be able to visit easily. Okay, now, this is what he talks about. I don't bring these up. What do you mean? Someone's got to be the planner.


Okay, so he plans this out? No, it's a wonderful, beautiful cemetery.


It's right on the LIE.


I don't want to be on the LIE for all of eternity, but just for people to eat.


it's easy to visit. Your sisters are heading out to the Hamptons, they stop by.


Oh bye. You would assume my sisters would visit my grave first of all.


His five sisters pulling into Mount Hebron, the Jewish cemetery. Would you?


imagine Christina, julia, lana and Emma.


Christina and the Lord Jesus and all coming into the Jewish.


Anyway, sorry, we got sidetracked.

Periel :

No, no, no, this is actually very good now, first of all what can you be buried in a Jewish cemetery if you have tattoos?


is that a myth? Is that a myth? You can be buried wherever the hell you want to be buried with if you got some cash. Is that a myth? You can be buried wherever the hell you want to be buried with if you've got some cash, don't worry about it.


Fat donation to the right place Now you are a visitor of graves.


He is.


I love.


a good grave, he loves a grave.


He loves a grave in Brooklyn. He loves a grave in Hungary. He loves a grave. He will travel. Loves a grave in Hungary.


He loves a grave. He will travel internationally.


Have grave will travel. Have grave will travel no.


I don't really, except for the grave in Hungary, the Karestir grave. I don't really travel. What?

Periel :

do you mean you go to?


Queens. It is 15 minutes from my mother's house. To not stop by the Rebbe's grave is the most insane thing. I visit my parents on the way home. There's no traffic. I'm, I'm at the grave.


Um, it's late, it's, there's nobody there I will say the rebbe's grave is pretty cool it's amazing as far as graves go that's something I think judaism, uh is, has nailed is like kind of like the energy of a grave site. I think the goyim have lost that a little bit. The graves, once we put them in the ground, it's kind of just. We don't go visit that like on certain days, like you do. We don't do the notes or the stones or the you, you guys have that, I think a little bit yeah no the only grave I have ever visited was in Paris.

Periel :

What's his name?


That writer? You don't even remember his name Notre Dame. No, the really famous singer Hold on what knew.

Periel :

Val Kilmer played him in the movie.


Cut that out of the podcast.

Periel :

What are you talking about? Cut that out of the podcast. What are you?


talking about. Cut that out of the podcast. What do you mean? We go from the Rebbe's grave to Val Kilmer.

Periel :

Wait a second, is he?


even Jewish. Who's Val Kilmer? Anyway, no, but you all right back to the graves.


Quickly. I got sidetracked because I got scared that you were going to bury me in Queens.

Periel :

You're bury me in queens. You're getting buried in nine days. He's not getting the doors. Jim morrison, the doors, oh yeah, okay, nice. Did you get energy there? Did you get some creative energy from there? I don't know. You know, you put these like crazy ideas in my head, or like I have like this idea about something that like I'm totally sure about, and then you say something and then it like starts to make me think like completely differently about it oh my god, have we started a cult?

Periel :

no, I never visit anybody's grave, ever like not even my grandparents, I think. It's like so, like what, what am I gonna find there? And then you put this like mishugana idea in my head and I'm like, oh, maybe I should go visit the graves, maybe there is energy there.


First of all, what's ever in your head has been Meshuggah way before I met you. Okay, what's ever rattling around in there has been fully Meshuggah way before I met you. So don't blame me for any Meshuggahs in your head. I'm just letting you know that an option to everybody is to visit graves of holy people. The Rebbe is buried in Queens. It couldn't be easier.

Periel :

Fine, but you're going to visit your uncle. You said you visit your uncle every year.


He's on the LIE. I visit him every year too. It couldn't be easier. He's really right there.


Oh, there's a lane in the big LIE in the sky for me.


No, you visit the grave. It was amazing. No, no, was amazing, do you?

Periel :

have your plot picked out yet.


No, my parents have theirs, which came up because we did your will and I was like where are we going to put Each other?


Yeah, yeah, some way he's gonna be next to me and we'll take care of the rabbi. It'll be fine, don't worry about it, it's gonna be just fine. Well, we think of a Florida for me, but then who the hell you know? Then we're gonna Bob to the surface will be swimming on. No floor is going on this, so there's not Florida. Okay, this may be. Israel, I'm not opposed. I know you you like visiting.


It doesn't matter, it's the Holy Land. It's the holy land. Who's gonna visit? Yeah, they'll all visit eventually, that's true when mashiach there's that.


There's that joke that there's this couple having a vacation in israel and, um and uh, the the wife dies and the husband they tell him, if you want a safe bringing her back to, you, can bury her here in Israel, in this holy site and supposedly where Jesus was buried. And he said, no, no, I'll take it in New York. People from that grave come back, I don't want to. It's an old, old, old joke. Anyway, I think.

Periel :

Israel is on brand for the two of you. I think it's on brand. I think it's on brand for the two of you. I think it's on brand. It's cute. Let's explore that.


I feel like this has been like couples therapy.


I kind of, I think I asked my cousin if there was space where my aunt was buried.


I would love that.


Wouldn't that be nice to be buried next to Ofra.


I'm assuming the spot is accounted for though the ones by her are all Somewhere else.


And that's not too far from Tel Aviv.

Periel :

You guys are acting like you're like Booking like first class Plane tickets right now.


We're not not. We're not not.


Yeah, and in fact this is a longer experience Than first class, so yeah, you want to make sure you're good down there. Um, I could talk more about this, but I wish I'm going through like my brain is going through, like cremation and all that stuff really no, because I would be pro cremation. And then remember that sign in florida that was by a jewish organization. Yes, that was anti-cremation. There's an anti-cremation psa on the side of the highway in Florida and it said don't make an ash of yourself First of all.

Periel :

First of all, amazing copywriting. Amazing Bravo.


Whoever thought of that tagline?


they deserve a raise and the placement of it is right next to a, a cemetery. No, it's also next to no, it's on the back of a Bed and beyond, and a um and a uh, a whole food, like where jews love to just go for the air conditioning don't make an ash of yourself.


And then at the bottom it's like paid for by the jews jews wherever yeah, but it was like, I was like, and then you see the rebbe's grave and there there is obviously energy there. But then I think like oh, that's why you're not supposed to burn the body, because there is something to be said about where.


No, there's energy. Come on, I went to visit Shlomo Karbach's grave. You feel it? This is a man that but the one in Hungary.


That's more of like a pilgrimage for you. That also a lot of other people do.


So it's different energies. When you visit the rebbe's grave, you're, you're walking out of there, you're like, pull it together, you got to do better. You go, you go, you can do better, you can do better, you can do better. You leave the rebbe's, the rebbe's grave, you just felt like you were just drenched in blessings. It's a different, it's a different feel.

Periel :

It's a different feel I spend a not insignificant amount of time in india at the burning gas. Really, really, that's where you went with this, I'm telling you. So they were burning all of the bodies no, it was beautiful and amazing and it makes you think about it.


You want barbecue? What? What? All right, all right, I heard.

Periel :

That's what it smells like it doesn't not smell like yeah exactly, okay wait, wait, a minute.


We, what else did we, what we?


I got in trouble for the last podcast because I went off on some conspiracy theories, so I'm going to stop folks, it's a podcast and relax the UFO thing. I stand by we really can't.


We just cannot talk about the UFO thing and the conspiracy stuff.


It's yeah, it's a comedic podcast. We're not CNN or Discovery. It's a comedic podcast.


We're not cnn or discovery channel speaking of comedic podcasts and and breaking the cherry, I don't know how you say it guess who introduced the show at the borgata. Yes, I've been telling leo. He is the producer of the shows and it's very polite and proper to go out and welcome that's polite and proper that's polite and proper. And so leo went out, introduced the show. 900 people so cute 900 people, he was nervous, but we wrote we wrote a lot of jokes but he didn't.


We wrote I didn't do any of the jokes. He didn't do any of the jokes, he just came out there. Thank you very much. You know, if you want to hear what he says you got to come see a show.


That would be a good thing for me to post on patreon oh yeah intro yeah, I think it's so cute.

Periel :

I'm a hundred percent behind you doing that for every single show I didn't deliver any jokes, but I got some laughs somehow well, first, first of all, everybody wants no, you got laughed on the.


I introduced him off stages. Ladies and gentlemen, please help me welcome the producer of tonight's show and my manager, Leo Vega. Did I say Vega? You just said Leo. Leo. He comes out and he says hi, I'm the producer of tonight's show, I'm also Modi's full-time husband and that was just cute.


And then I said I usually am not on the mic unless you listen to the podcast, and then I got cheers.

Periel :

Yeah, yeah.


And I was like oh, there's podcast people here and then people like that, and I was like thanks, yeah, yeah.

Periel :

There are podcast people everywhere.


Wait, hold on. So we're at the Borgata. What is it?

Periel :

No, I just want to say that, like everybody wants to see you, you're so cute, and then they see you and they're like, oh my God, he's so hot. Like aesthetically, even from like a performative perspective, it's like only a plus.


I do feel like there is an increasing amount of voyeurism involved in the attendance of your shows, where people are just like you gotta come see what's going on over here. Yeah, so so it's great, it's very proper.


I remember my mom used to always take us to whenever performers from israel came to america. Um, the producer would come on stage and welcome everybody, tell them where other shows are happening soon and just thank them for coming to the show. You produce a show that they came to. Yeah give him a thank you. And then he introduced Ilan. Ilan killed as always, and then I we had an amazing 900 people. 800 were Russian.


I just I just added a show, they just didn't have availability.


Yeah, we could have added a show but 900 people, just not, I go, any Russians here. The the whole room. The room went. It was as though the entire room just went. Wow, they were all russians, a lot of russians I guess they like to gamble I guess they do wait.


Well, so we had that with the. Okay, the west hampton shows were fun. Oh my god. You could just see everybody left their barbecue With their friends, came to see the show and went right back to Opening their massive Sub-Zeros and getting out their chips and whatever they had for lunch it was so cute and we had Raleigh and Raleigh and Nashville my first time ever doing Zany's. What a room. Wow, it's an amazing comedy room how was Nashville?


very nice we walked by one block of every bar. It was 12 o'clock in the afternoon on a Thursday. Every bar had a live band playing, like blaring out of the window, so you would just pass by each bar and like a different sound.


Just for a reference at the Comedy Cellar at the Olive Tree on Monday night, noam the owner has his band in a room that's maybe 80 by 30. And there's trombones and there's every instrument that's ever been. When you go, study a musical in your high school. You take an instrument and go and it's boom, it's so loud you leave there with your blood coming out of your ears. And that is happening 1230 on every day in every restaurant in Nashville.

Periel :

That's not for me.


No, not for me, but what other topics we were going to talk about? Is the Olympics is happening now?

Periel :

I saw it at the nail salon the synchronized swimmers.


Right, it's a shame that no one's really seeing anything to go see it Like you just.


I don't know. I feel like I know a few people who are actually there in person to see it. I feel like people are really into it this year.

Periel :

You know what the best thing about the Olympics is? My sister went. She did.


Yeah, she stopped by. She's cooler than I am now.


Good, Good for her. I feel like we should be giving them more. I just I don't have it.

Periel :

Whatever I catch, I catch. The best thing about the Olympics is Snoop.


Oh yeah, Whoever is his agent is killing it.

Periel :



The snooping around the museum thing that he's doing Again. Copywriting, love, love.

Periel :

Okay, first of all, snoop Dog dog is a national treasure 100 this guy is seriously we've talked about our love.


We've we've played the snoop dog affirmation song on this.

Periel :

That's right, I play that for my son on the way to school every day, but him hanging out with martha stewart pasting likegot. And do you know what? He said? That he gets dressed up for his grandkids birthday parties. Whatever the theme of the kids birthday party is if it's like a shark or like Disney he gets dressed up in like a full costume, because the parents used to come up to him and be like oh my god, snoop, I want a picture. And so he wanted to deflect the attention away from picture, and so he wanted to deflect the attention away from himself, and so he's just in a full shark outfit for the entire birthday wear that to the next show.


Oh wow, just introduce the show like that, not acknowledge it, walk out there with a guana and one of the guana hi.

Periel :

I will pay for you to walk out at the shows in Australia dressed in a little Steve Irwin outfit.


Die. Yes, I had a call with Australia yesterday. It's coming, it's happening.

Periel :

It's rapidly approaching, I feel like you guys are not fully realized that this is happening. Yet you have five sold out shows on the other side of the world.


Yeah, we don't process things till after. We save it for after the show.


Yeah, there's a million things before that too. We're going to Fire Island before then. And then Leo, I mean I hear it, it's coming, because I like I hear Leo in the office being hi, is this the Ritz? Whatever hotel we're staying at?


Are you trying to pretend to hide that?


He's like I want to make sure you have our reservation. I don't want to land and then you don't have a room for us.


I'm calling and triple checking reservations. The guy, the promoter down there was like you heard him say. He's like you're the most professional person I've dealt with all month. Oh, that's right, okay.


He said to Leo we have 19 acts happening here, 19 things going on. You are the most professional person we have that I'm working with.

Periel :

Leo was on top of every email. Yeah, I have no doubt.


For sure, for sure. He said I called him. I was like I have the immigration stuff, I have this, I have that. I was like I have the immigration stuff, I have this, I have that. I was like just confirming you have the car transfers set up. I was triple checking the hotel reservations because I just feel like it's not real.

Periel :

I just feel like it's not a real place your dengue fever vaccine my what?


I'm not getting any vaccine, stopping um no, and he was like we had a group from ireland come come out and they decided to go to bali halfway through their trip and then come back into australia and they didn't have any problems with their visa. I was like I promise you, we're not going to bali in the middle of this trip. We're going to melbourne landing doing the shows maybe you should go to bali, we're not stop it.

Periel :

Well we're gonna go to the maldives after remember, and then you're not allowed to go to the maldives I don't need to go to the Maldives, I don't need to go to the Maldives. How's that you can go to Bali, it's so close I know, I know, but we have things to do in America.


Yeah, we have things to do Should we say no.

Periel :

But when are you going to be back over there? What Wait? Why not just pop over to?


We talked about this we did than not whatever.

Periel :

I have a Mashiach energy story at some point. No, it doesn't have to be. Now the Olympics what else?


The Olympics, that guy. We watch RuPaul's Drag Race and sometimes you see the person who's not the winner is the winner, Like Miss Vanjie. There was one season this drag queen was sent home first On her way out, she just goes Vanjie Vanjie and it just became the most viral thing and RuPaul keeps bringing her back and bringing her back. And she didn't win, she was actually eliminated first Willem too, willem too.


So now there is an Olympian that competed and did not win the gold medal, but he won the 2024 Olympics Anthony Ficacci. What's his name? Anthony Amirati.


The pole vaulter.


And when we say pole, and when we say pole.


Vaulter, I just met her.


Vaulter, did you imagine he didn't win gold? But Go ahead. You better have something good. If you're opening with that, go ahead. What's your something good? If you're opening with like that, go ahead. What's your answer to that? I was going to say God already gave him a gold medal. God gave Yep. God gave him a gold medal, god gave him a pole, can you? Imagine. Can you imagine Like you're known for, I think he did it on purpose. You can't swing your schvanz.

Periel :

I have a question, should we?


lay ground. Does everyone know what we're talking about?

Periel :

Tell them.


In the Olympics there was a pole vaulter. That's the Meshuggah that runs with a pole, sticks it in the ground, it flings him in the air and he goes over another pole If he clears it. He did a great job. This guy ran with a pole like a guy who else is running with a pole. There has definitely been no Jewish pole vault.


The physics of that does scare me.


So you're running with a pole, he sticks it in, he gets up over the, he gets his body over, but his schvanz, his oeberzacher, his penis, his schmeckle just hits it. Hits it enough that it takes it off of what's holding the pole up.


So so he lost, needless to say so he lost.


But did he lose because if I was adidas, I'd run to him immediately. If I was, if I was any any brand calvin klein underwear, no.


And just imagine having that moment like immortalized in like 7 000 different angles in hd 4k, like and memes and shmemes and now and say I have a anatomy question, sure is it?

Periel :

because what he he's? Because he has, like, a particularly large penis, was he hard?


Yeah. So I feel like, Did he have a hard on? It looks like he had an erection, so like if that's what he's walking around with, just normal.


As you know, there's a grower and a shower. That's some things. Some people just have their. When their penis is not hard, it's still all. You are talking to me. When their penis is not hard, it's still all open, you are talking to me.

Periel :

Mike, I have not had sex with thousands of men.


Okay, so in my mind someone's listening to this in their minivan with their kids in the backseat. So I try to keep this a little.


I know, but also that's not our fault. I mark every episode with the explicit box.


When I upload it, it's listed as explicit. So now, but then, okay, so there's a grower and a shower. Let's assume he's a grower, he's a shower, so it's already there. Then also, you've been preparing for this moment for four years. You are so ramped up, you think the blood flow is just flowing, yeah. And then he's just like ah, wah, and then he runs with his pole.

Periel :

So he got hard.


I can't say it didn't.

Periel :

Do you ever randomly get a hard on, like at the gym?


At the gym. No, no, no.

Periel :

No, you guys were like both a little bit. No, I'm trying to think, if you would have gotten no, but like is it like I know when, when you're like young and like you know going through puberty and like a teenager like you can just like you're in class, suddenly like you get a hard on right. But at this stage in the game, like, can you like see something and get aroused, or are we past that?


Yeah, no, we're not past that, but I'm just picturing myself in like an Olympic arena wearing a spandex leotard.


With the hottest people on earth.


Yeah, and a lot of like emotions and like pre-workout or whatever Gatorade they're drinking over there. Yeah, I would imagine. Yeah.


He could have been, we don't know but whatever he was doing was big enough to knock over a pole. So I mean, wow, good for him. And that's going to be what everybody's talking about with this Olympics. Some girl is swimming, katie Ledecky. She drinks the pool and runs across the thing. There was frames of her in the race. Where drinks?


the pool and runs across the thing. She's so fast. There was frames of her in the race where there was no one else in the frame. She was so far ahead Unbelievable.

Periel :

That's not what I was talking about. Is the boxer from Algeria.


Okay, do you want to talk about this? I haven't briefed you on this.

Periel :

Okay, I briefed you a little bit. I'm going to tell you her name, one second.


There was a boxer from Australia, algeria, who was fighting a boxer from Italy or France, and they hit one punch the opponent, from France or Italy, wherever she's from, Iman Khalif, italy. She was fighting, she bowed out, she quit after one punch. Jk Rowling and Harry Potter and all these other celebrities like tweeted that she was a man, oh wow and like she shouldn't be competing. And she was trans.

Periel :

They started, they went on this like anti-trans thing. Now, first of all, wow first of all, how fucking stupid do you have to be to think that Algeria sent a trans athlete to the Olympics? They kill you for being trans in Algeria. It is against the law to be gay there. They do not recognize transgender. So this is the level of intelligence.


Stop yelling at me. It's not my fault that they are that way with trans people.

Periel :

We are not.


Algeria. We are not the LGBTQ of Algeria. We are just here having a podcast and thank you for beginning with the F word on your statement, so it's just harder for you to edit this, but yes.


I will say she's not lot of misinformation. Initially about that I was like is she, isn't she what? No, and then cnn posted like a vague article about it where they didn't like confirm or deny whether she was trans or not.


I think she was born intersex, I think okay, so that's an interesting conversation, because she apparently was disqualified from another boxing match not overseen by the international olympic committee, some other offshoot boxing organization. She was disqualified from some competition because of, like, abnormally high testosterone levels, right. So it's like where do we start to draw the line? Is she intersex and she has high testosterone? I?


believe that that is the scientific explanation for her high testosterone but I think what the way they reported that was that she simply failed a gender test. That was how that oh my god um committee reported their results. It was just like a yes or no thing, it wasn't like a detailed breakdown.

Periel :

So that's where I think I just didn't like how everybody got whipped up everyone got really yeah it really everyone got really yeah, I heard it from from trump I even he said something right.


So like when I, when I'm the president, there'll be no more trans athletes or something.

Periel :

No, I don't know. I didn't see that. I did see him getting into um a custom tesla truck with his picture I saw three of the cyber trucks yesterday in new york city.


They're so they're like they're popping up more and more and every time I see one, I'm like psychopath yeah okay, all right, sorry, we can no but yeah, also, we had a comment on the podcast about Donald Trump. We're not like.


Everyone thinks we're like Trumpy. Now. It was just relax.


Everybody calm down. This is not a political. This is just Modi, his husband. You know what this is. I'm going to tell you what this is, and it hit me when we had isaac mizrahi as a guest yeah, when he's like, when he's trying to figure out what's going on here and who's, then he just goes oh, this is two fags in their hag. They literally was, and that's what this is. So calm down, this is not a political or, uh, or yeah, we're not smart enough to be a political podcast.


We don't know. Get out of here. I don't, I don't know enough. I haven't watched.

Periel :

I know a lot. Okay, all I know is kamala found.


Uh, she brought john mccain from the grave. She couldn't find that. Okay, good for her. Whatever she's got to do, I'm, but I'm not following, I'm not listening to it. It's, it's the energy. That's crazy energy.


I can't believe we have months of this, months of this. It's exhausting.

Periel :

Okay, I feel like I took us down a wrong path. Why, I don't know.


I don't feel like we went down a wrong path. I do, yeah, the Olympics thing, the men's gymnastics team is mesmerizing Wow.

Periel :

Yeah, I'll bet, I'll bet.


And it's crazy to think, not just for the obvious, like aesthetic reasons, but it's crazy also to think, like you know, we didn't know any of these people before the Olympics started Like, and then now they're all like literal overnight celebrities in terms of everyone knows their name, what they look like, They'll follow them on Instagram.


And it's like that must be crazy to deal with. Well, that's it because of the instagram. So as soon as you see someone doing this, you go on instagram, you follow them. You said this is how I'll follow the olympics. Back in the day, it was just whoever's on the the cover of time magazine wheaties magazine. No, the the box, the cereal, oh my god, I loved wheaties.

Periel :

Modi loves wheat do.


Do I? You like the frosted Wheaty ones?


Frosted Mini Wheats. I had a craving for Frosted Mini Wheats. How good is Frosted Mini.

Periel :

Wheats Ari loves those. I think I was coming back from the gym.


It was pure sugar, it's pure sugar. It says wheat and it's got the little looks like a wheat ball.

Periel :

It's a little one.


And you drench it in the milk and then you suck the milk.

Periel :

I thought you guys don't drink milk, not milk, almond milk, almond milk's awful.


Anyway, so I had that. You smoke cigarettes.


Like what do you want?

Periel :

I do not smoke cigarettes. I am on the patch for like three years, so isn't it enough? The patch, yeah, I mean, if I take off the patch, I want to smoke a cigarette, do you really?


we were in this room this week for not our podcast.


That was pretty interesting yeah with the nicest guys. Boy with no job?


what boy with no job?


that's his instagram that's ben right, that's ben. I didn't know that that's.


Ben yeah and Josh Peck.


Who. I had no idea who who's from.


Drake and Josh.


Yeah, which I had no idea.

Periel :

You were a guest.


He was a guest, I was a guest.


I was on a podcast called the Good Guys Podcast, sitting right in this chair nice, did you have fun a blast?


uh, ben is adorable and uh and josh is so cute and they were just. I had no idea, I didn't, I did not grow up or have any siblings watching josh and john drake and josh drake and john josh, so I I had no idea who he was. Um, I look a nice guy. Nice, you know, jewish guys want to talk to me. I'm in, you know, and then, and then my niece is like oh my God, oh my God, yeah. So it was cute, very, very sweet guys.


And his wife sold out four Beacon Theaters for her live podcast taping.



Periel :

Four Beacon Theater shows. What is that? Girl with no job, girl with no job.


The podcast is called the Toast. She does it with her sister. They sold out four Beacon theaters Wow. To tape their podcast Speaking of Mazel Tov to them, but we also are at the Beacon December 18th and 19th. Go get your tickets, if there's any left. Modilivecom.

Periel :

Stop asking me for tickets. I'm not getting anybody tickets Don't ask me for tickets. It's insane.


No, people have. Yeah, like buy tickets when you see them go on sale Are you insane yeah.

Periel :

Do you know how many messages I get.


No, I'm just bracing myself for like the week after the beacon, when people are going to comment, inevitably being like, when are you playing New York again? And I'm going to be like you, dumb bitch.

Periel :

I've been promoting two shows at the Beacon Theater for months, speaking of which, when I went to go buy tickets for the Beacon, do you know how much tickets were?


Don't tell me you might have been seeing some surge.

Periel :

No, I was seeing like a resale.


Oh, resale, do you want to?

Periel :

know how much.


No, it's like $800. I'm going to throw up Really $1,000?, Really no $2,000.


Stop it.

Periel :

It was like $2,700 for two tickets.


Okay listen to me, folks, listen to me. If you pay $2,700 for those tickets, A first.


Of all. We made no money on that, but we appreciate it.


We didn't make up that number. Someone put their tickets. We can't guarantee that that's a real ticket. There's no third-party website that is authorized that we give green light to someone paid.


that happened at the comedy cellar recently where someone paid like over a thousand dollars for a comedy cellar show and lives, by the way, is an amazing thing and worth a thousand dollars to see a comedy show down there.

Periel :

But yes, but they weren't real they.


The barcode didn't work, so it's like please only buy your tickets through the links on modi's website or on his link tree, because if you go to stub hub or any of these other places you might get ripped off. So yeah, just flagging that also while we're at it. There are no modi fan page accounts. There are no modi manager accounts.


There are no accounts manager there are no accounts saying modi. Rosenfeld private page, family only accounts. These are all fake people who are messaging people and, in some cases, asking for money. Um, they can do crazy things with ai now with their voice, with video, so be very wary. Uh, if you see any accounts pretending to be modi, block them, report them, send them to me so I can block and report them. Someone was swindled out of a large amount of money by a Modi impersonator.


No, that's terrible, terrible. She deserved it.

Periel :

Terrible, no don't say that.


We happen to know who she was, but don't take that out, I'll take it out. Yeah, I'm not taking it out, take it out. Take it out. He already wants to take out. When I said the F word what you Remember?


that guy, michael in Fire Island. I pointed out to you he does like meditative breath works, yes, and he has like almost a million followers on Instagram. He had to post something on his Instagram saying please do not engage with any other accounts People were using AI to take Because he has such a calming voice. He does these meditation videos, so it's also probably easy for the software to suck it up. It's just clean and easy.


How's the software going to copy my voice? How are they going to copy this? Yeah, hello, yeah.

Periel :

I have a really nice story.


Hello, it's Modi. Let me hear. My debit card isn't working. You don't sound like that. Help me out, can you?


please wire below info. Oh my God, leo. I walked into the house one day, one evening and Leo's at the desk watching his computer bawling, crying, crying. I'm like what the hell's going on? I'm gonna cry now don't, don't cry. Now he, my sister, sent him my bar mitzvah video that was like she downloaded onto like digitized, digitized from from a vhs tape. Oh, and leo's like seeing me at 13 years old, my mother, my father my aunt, my aunt.

Periel :

I want to see that it was so cool.


I'm working on making a social media clip out of some of it.

Periel :

It's so cute that is going to go into the millions.


Billions Anyway.

Periel :

Okay, no, it was a crazy thing to watch, that yeah. I go crazy when you post those pictures in your Pierre Cardin suit.


No, but listen, listen in that video of your bar mitzvah, I'm a full tuxedo he's in a full tuxedo. He's so cute. You look the same and your voice is much more.


New york I had this engelbert humperding haircut and whole.


Like in the beginning, the videographer hands him a corded microphone and is like okay, like go around the room and talk to your guests. And you can see the moment in modi's eyes, like it's probably your first time giving control of a mic, like in a social situation like that, where you're also like old enough to now have a personality and like what to say, and you can see your eyes light up like you can see the moment you were like activated, like a sleeper cell, and I could see it in the video and I it made me like really emotional and I was crying. Also seeing your parents so young. That made me cry for some reason yeah, it was very sweet.


I was like what is he crying about? What has? Who has pissed him off to the point he's crying and like boom, it's my bar mitzvah.

Periel :

Oh that's very sweet.


I'm going to post some clips, yeah.

Periel :

Okay, I'm going to try to keep it light, but I have been so enraged by all of the anti-Semitism that I've been reading about. Can I cut you?


off. I took a picture of a funny sticker I saw today. Please, it looks like this it was just on a phone pole when we were walking around downtown. It says Jihad Jane Noun. So it's a definition Someone who advocates for Hamas terrorist rights On the basis of something cool they saw on tiktok. That's cute, that's very cute. Jihad jane, jihad jane, jihad jane yeah, yeah, hashtag bring them home now wow, yeah hashtags, hashtag. Stand up to jewish hate.


Oh my god, they were so cute. They came with us to the. They came with us. Hashtag stand up to Jewish hate Sent the loveliest photographer videographer to the Hampton shows and we did some content with him and it was so great. Just yeah, the Jews are proud and telling jokes and happy, and that's how we're fighting you.

Periel :

So one of the things that I've been doing is, if I have to, like go do something, I've been trying to find somebody Jewish or Israeli. Like I needed a haircut and like I was in Westchester and I was like I'm going to try to find like an Israeli hairdresser. And I wound up randomly because I put it out in the world, like I got some saw some message of this Israeli hairdresser who had a place like right near my place there, and so I went in and he started telling me these stories about how, after October 7th, he has also a salon in the East Village. He was getting messages from people being like I'm going to stop coming to you because you're Israeli. Wow.



Periel :

I'm going to stop coming to you because you're Israeli, wow. And I said, okay, that's opened up a slot for me to be able to come to you. And then he started talking to me what do you do this and that? And then I told him what I do in this, and then it's like the boycott of the opposite of boycott. Yeah.


The sanction.


He was Israeli, so it was in Hebrew the whole conversation. No, no, it was, it was in english and hebrew. But then, and how exactly would you give over? Did you just see him pulling?


like with the rolls on perry's head, like this, no kilo.


How exactly do you ask? For that color I don't have all the clients, but not some of them are. I said you're israeli, I don't go to you.

Periel :

First of all, you don't lead. You never let somebody do this first. First you go with like a haircut and then, if it works out, you're vibing out, You're checking the place. And then I was like, oh well, maybe I'll let you do my blonde, Because I really need to get it done. But anyway, my point is is then I told him about.


But do you really need to have it done? That's just your look now this blonde thing.

Periel :

It's always for, like I know, since I've known you Forever, but have you ever not had it.


I mean I did blonde once. Modi didn't like it. I loved your blonde. It was very nice.


First of all it was pink, and then it went blonde, and then it was very nice. It was pink, and then it went blonde and then it was very nice.

Periel :

No, but I did blonde before and then you did blonde before. I loved your platinum blonde. I thought it looked great. When you shaved your head and then you buzzed it and then you bleached it blonde, I thought it looked sick.


It was giving Ken.

Periel :

Well, I mean.


Well, hold on, so maybe, if you could, I never saw you without it.

Periel :

This is his way of telling me that he hates it.


I don't hate it. No, not at all.

Periel :

Wait, wait, and then your name came up and he lit up.



Periel :

He was so excited, it was so sweet.


I felt like that's what I'm doing. That's the goal. That's my goal. That's my goal.

Periel :

He told me afterwards that, like I made his whole day. It was so sweet, Chaim. Thank you.


Hashtag Mashiach Energy. Mashiach Energy yes.


Yes, yes, created a little Mashiach Energy. I'm so happy. Did you tell him to get tickets to a show?

Periel :

I did actually.


Not because I'm looking for someone to buy tickets.

Periel :

No, no and buy tickets. No, no, of course I did let it manifest. Yeah, of course I told him to get tickets to a show, but I also he goes. How did you wind up here in this like random place in westchester and I wasn't going to tell him. Oh, I really wanted like an israeli hairdresser. But then when I told him, I was so glad that I told him like it made him so happy we just had a photo shoot with an israeli photographer.

Periel :

Yeah, yeah, we should. I emailed here to see, and, by the way, if anybody who works in this studio is listening.


Nobody got back to me but what would you email them?


for photography of us doing a, a podcast, because I'm building that kid max, a website for the podcast and a separate Instagram page. Wow, those of you who like the podcast, you're about to get a lot more stuff.

Periel :

Such a beautiful face.


Can I just?


tell you one of the lines we wrote for him.


Oh, this is one of the lines I have, because it's my air before Australia.


Do it anyway, who cares?


So, this is ready. This is it's great to be here in Australia we finally made it.


This is the jokes for when Leo introduces the show.


Okay, all right, we'll workshop it. Go ahead, but the one about your face so excited to be here in Australia. You know, with the time difference down here, Modi and I don't have such big of an age gap anymore. No, but the other one.


We wrote for him.


To answer some of your dms and emails uh no, these tickets are not tax deductible. We are not a non-profit organization and this is expensive so that was.


I thought that's cute, right, what else was there it?


was cute. For those of you wondering, like, if I'm on stage right now, is he's sleeping with the boss? Don't worry, we spoke to HR, which is also me, and we decided it was okay for Modi to be sleeping with his boss. I told you she's not an easy laugh.


She's not an easy laugh. She laughed. If she laughs, she goes. Oh my god, that's the two things.

Periel :

Also, by the way. No, I would have no reaction if that wasn't funny.


You know that, like your laugh, is very polarizing, right.

Periel :



Okay, because I get comments a lot that like people hate your laugh. Yeah, and those of you listening.


No, they enjoy hating. They enjoy having Get out of here.


I love Periel's laugh. Periel's laugh, periel's laugh is one of my favorite things about her. So if you don't like her cackling on the podcast, that's half the reason why we got her as the co-host. We need to cackle.

Periel :

I think that I am.


I'm polarizing People really just From an auditory standpoint. Don't like your laugh. For me I really enjoy it because you know what it's genuine.


This is this now. If you want to learn yiddish, this is where you use the expression kishin tohus. For all of you who don't like her laugh kishin tohus you don't like us no not true they? Might some people sometimes you do things that annoy you because you'd like to be annoyed they might want to listen to her voice, to be annoyed by her, and then they turn to their friend. I don't know why they bring her. They need that. They need that, they do.

Periel :

You know, what they can do.



Periel :

I'm not going to say it.


That's a nice way to say it.

Periel :

I got a DM. I've been bombarded with DMs. I mean like. So I mean it's got to be like a bot farm, like. I have gotten like hundreds of DMs recently because I made a video criticizing Jon Stewart, saying that we weren't proud to be Jewish.


right now, okay, they should have been criticizing the angle and lighting you chose for that video.

Periel :

They did that too. Oh my God.


I'm like. I'm like with this, fluffing my hair up this, and that Leo's standing on the other side of the room. Hey, morilifecom, you're like boom. I showed Moni the video.

Periel :

He goes. That's the angle you chose I know um, to be honest, I used to despise you before october 7th. I would fast forward every time you spoke on modi's podcast. Since october 7th, you are one of my most favorite people. I listen to everything you are on. You are incredible. You have incredible passion that I so resonate with. I don't agree with you on many things, but I've learned to love you.


Thank you.

Periel :



That's growth, that's growth.


What's the other crazy?


one they gave you on that.


Oh my god I'm glad they had that path of self discovery. Yeah.

Periel :

Somebody with like mirrored Wrap around sunglasses and buck teeth said Settle down Karen.


Oh, that's nothing, so she's a Karen.

Periel :

I want to just tell you something.


You should try without the blonde hair, because now I'm seeing it, it's so boring Should we do like an Auburn moment. No, no. Blonde or nothing, blonde or die, it's very like.


Madonna circa whatever she's circling something, honey, it's the drain Madonna.

Periel :

That is homophobic.


That is polarizing. I take it back immediately. I love Madonna, okay.

Periel :

There is, I lost. These are one of my favorite earrings.


Oh, the Periel earrings you lost.

Periel :

No, no, I have the Periel earrings. I have a couple. I'm very into like hoops, right, oh, you lost. No, no, no, I have the Periel earrings, I have a couple.


I'm very into like hoops, right? Oh, you are, that's like my thing. And so these are just like Hoops, hoops, isn't that like a fighting girl thing?

Periel :

I mean, I grew up in Queens, so like yes, that means nothing, no, no, you grew up in Forest Hills it makes sense for you to be buried in queens no, I clawed my way out of queens. I do not want to be brought back there they're all parts of queens that are so beautiful.


I know I've seen them. Yeah, you've seen victoria's house and all that.

Periel :

There's gorgeous parts of queens there are also parts of queens that look like toilets toilets complete toilets, all of like new york and long island.


Yeah, go ahead.

Periel :

I lost. So I got these like really cool pair of hoops and they have like these like diamonds on them, and I lost one.



Periel :

And I was really like a panic moment for weeks. And there's this thing that you turn over a cup and then you're supposed to say this prayer, this Jewish prayer, yep. And then you're supposed to say this prayer, this Jewish prayer, and then you're supposed to make a donation to the go ahead. What is it?


Go, go. You're doing a very good job. Go for it.

Periel :

And so I turned over the cup, which is like this like insane, like my mother-in-law, like primitive, like ideology of turning over a cup Superstition.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, you turn over the cup and what? What else do you do? What's the other?

Periel :

well, sometimes it's enough to just turn over a cup and then you'll find it. But I've reached out to the instagram world because I was really upset and you can't find these anywhere. They're like very unique earrings. And then somebody wrote to me. Somebody who follows me said that there's this bracha, which is what is it?


It's a special bracha from Rabbi Meir Balhanes. I have it saved in my contacts under lost. No, you don't. Of course I do. That is so funny.

Periel :

I just can't open it up, right now, and then it's mayor balhanes, that's right, and then new master of the miracle, mayor rabbi, mayor bob, just for the record the goyim.


Have this too. It's the patron saint of xyz.


Yeah, yeah yeah, lost items of animals. I would feel horrible if they didn't have it.

Periel :

So okay, I keep so I'm so happy, so I did this and I said the prayer and then you're also supposed to and like this was at like one in the morning, I was like in a pitch fever and so like I started like me, and I said my husband like regularly makes donations to like khabar, am I like covered?


what like a retroactive thing, you could have said, and new. So where were the earrings?

Periel :

I don't know, I couldn't find. I lost one, not two and then I made the donation to this mayor balhanes charity. Like I just started donating money and then I posted on instagram like I don't know if this is like some I just made a donation for, like however much money to some random charity in Israel and somebody wrote me back no, that is the oldest charity in Israel and I found the earring and I'm wearing it right now.


Here it is Go ahead say it and I've used it many, many, many times since we've met.


I've never told you about this. This is not Okay.


so you go to Kupat, which is the foundation, like the Kupa.

Periel :

The Kupa, like where you.


You make the donation. Kupat, harabi, k-a-p-a-t-h-r-a-b-b-i, meir M-E-I-R dot org. You go there, there's a prayer, you say it's a skula, and it gives you the story behind what this thing is.


That's nice.


And then there's a prayer here. Omar, I'll be, that's nice I like that. I mean, and you say the whole thing and you Twice, I never heard that. I just say it once, and then I have found.

Periel :

Do you know, the last time I said this, what?


what I'll tell you where what did you lose?


you don't lose things, I don't lose very often. Oh, can I guess go ahead um that pen not the pen no, what did you have that?

Periel :

was all the time I never lose things.


No, he really doesn't. What is, what was it?

Periel :

You lost your gloves.


Oh no, the lighter, what lighter? The lighter that you said was from your uncle.


Oh, yes, yes, yes, did you find it From my grandfather. I have a lighter that my grandmother had when she died. I know you're stressed about that I put it somewhere where it didn't used to go Did you find it. Absolutely.

Periel :

You lost your gloves with me.


That was not worth it. Use it wisely.

Periel :

That's it, but one day.


The other day we were somewhere and I lost my wallet and I was like, wow, I know I left, I know I didn't. And I was like, wow, I know I left, I know I didn't. And it was just during a meal and everybody was like, oh, I don't have my wallet and I don't know if it's back, when we were in my sister's house in Houston and I had worn some jacket that I never usually wear. And then I was like I can't wait.


It was just in a pocket.


I was like I did not leave it in the hotel, I didn't leave it here, it was in, it was in. But while we were having the meal and I'm like, oh my god, this is gonna be so annoying being in houston, two shows, the show we had and being there and not and, and I just took the thing out, I said the prayer, I sent the donation and then that's it. We got in the uber. I went like this and it was in this pocket amazing no, but the lighter that's.


So that was a very that was a good one that there's a lighter that my, my, my grandfather had uh. It says uh, m the w on it and it's uh, and it was, it was in my grandmother's things when, uh, when she passed.


So the goyim have this too. Yeah, the patron saint of lost items.

Periel :

Is it Saint Anthony?


I don't know who he is. But also there's like, if you can say the rosary a certain way, call it a novena. If you do it a certain way for a certain amount of times, on certain days, you can do it for like very specific things. It's amazing.

Periel :

It's amazing. There are energy factors that you have to fix and by the way, we are taping on 888.


Have you seen all the Instagram on this stuff? What?

Periel :

do you mean 888?


He's big into numerology.


No, no, no no, no, this has nothing to do with numerology. Nothing I ever heard of. This is nothing I've ever heard of, but all of my Instagram is blowing up. Why is that up? Mine is blowing up with 888. Today is the eighth day of the eighth month, and 24 is divisible by eight, or adds up to eight, or four times two is eight yeah, oh it is, it is nothing gets by you.


You caught that right away and um, but whatever, so it's, it's called the lion's portal, it's called the lion's portal of abundance, and this is where this is where there's an opening in the cosmic universe to be receiving abundance, if you are in the right state of mind.

Periel :

I love it.


So when you make that prayer, you're putting yourself in the right state of mind, knowing you're saying I lost this thing. I know there are powers bigger than me. Let them help me.

Periel :

I love it that's all.


And whether you're doing with the rosary whether you, I can't believe you got that website, but yes you want to know.


I wish everyone an abundance of what a and h provisions a and h provisions. Speaking of numerology, 30 off your first order if you use promo code modi at wwwkosherdogsnet. Go take a look, browse the deli meats, browse the pastrami, browse the Jamie was buying hot dogs the other day and he told me he was at.


He goes. I bought the hot dogs from your podcast A&H I go. They're the best hot dogs. Of course they are. They're the best hot dogs. Kosher meats, too. All the provisions, kosher KosherDogsnet.

Periel :

I've been walking around In the A&H hat all day.


My father also wears that, yeah.

Periel :

And let me know If you think I should Go blonde or.


I think you should try, try to not do it. Change, change something.

Periel :

Isn't it like Kind of fun, though? I think you should try. Try to not do it. Change, change something. Isn't it like kind of fun, though? The blonde, it's like. It's like I feel like it like it tells you everything you need to know about me.


It's a little bit of a warning. Yeah, like when you're coming up, she's going to be not well.

Periel :

Not well is heading towards me, that's not true I don't know if it's not well, but I feel like it's like it's. It's very clear.


You feel like it says what about you exactly? Yeah, what do you think it says about you?

Periel :

I feel like it says, like there are women who, when they're pregnant people like come up and like touch their bellies. Nobody ever touched my belly when I was pregnant yeah. And also thank Arthur.


Arthur. Yeah, weitz and Luxembourg. Oh, my God, randy came to the show. She's so cute. We had two shows in West Hampton, I think one of them is because Randy literally sent everybody the link. She's so sweet, Randyandy. Luxembourg, who is author, luxembourg of whites and luxembourg that sponsors our podcast, and they are amazing and friends and we love them. And, uh, it is the law firm that not only does well, they do good, very philanthropic and, um, we're so proud that we are uh collaborators with them. I have shows all over the globe. I'm going to be. We added a montreal show, so november 30th and december 1st there are, uh, there's shows in um montreal. There are shows. There's a few tickets left for the Beacon, which is December 18th. The 19th is sold out. St Paul, st Paul, minnesota.




Paul. Minnesota is a fun gig. It's going to be a good show. St Paul will come in there straight from San Diego and Denver in December also, Denver is November.




Denver, st Paul, minnesota and modilivecom. I'm really out of order there, okay, but anyway, go the show's also the special. Make sure you help someone watch it. Set them up on YouTube, set them up on whatever you need to on Amazon. Help somebody watch the comedy special.

Periel :

It has a lot of views.


Not enough, but the clips are going like 9 million, 11 million, 12 million the clips. The special itself is still not like blown blown. But people help your grandparents and parents watch it. They're going to enjoy it and all the tickets are available on modilivecom. And send Perrielle any negativity directly to her, don't delay us with it Anything else we got to pick up on.


People in South Florida, los Angeles and Las Vegas. Those are three hot markets I get a lot of DMs and comments about we're in the process of finalizing shows there. They're just not going to be until early 25 yeah so, but keep a lookout.


And if you are in any of those places, um, go to modi's instagram page and click the broadcast channel. It's a link right below his little bio. It's called modi moments. You can join that group and it's like a little chat group we have. I've been dropping the ticket links in there a little before everyone else gets them.


My mom is in there.


Yeah, your mom's in there. My mom, your mom is eagle-eyed, she sees everything.


She what Eagle eyes, eagle eyes, yes, eagle eyes. Another show at the Beacon Boom. Yeah, I didn't even tell Modi yet. I'm like, I, I are we like, are we? Thank you all for listening. We love you, we really really do love you, um, even the crazy ones and um mashiach energy period. Goodbye, bye.