AND HERE’S MODI is an inside look at the man behind the microphone. Hosted by comedian, Modi (@modi_live), AHM features a raw and unfiltered side of the comedian rarely seen on stage. He always finds the funny as he navigates the worlds of comedy, trending topics, his personal life and spirituality. AHM is co-hosted by Periel Aschenbrand (@perielaschenbrand) and Leo Veiga (@leo_veiga_).
Madonna, Melania, and the Marlboro Man
Episode 140: The AHM discusses everything from Madonna's recent foray into standup comedy, Melania's inauguration look, and the Marlboro Man.
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Welcome to. And here's Modi. Alrighty, we are at the studio for and here's Modi. Another episode. Yes, periel is here, leo is here, and what more do we need? What more can you want? What more can you ask for? This is what the audience loves and we love the audience and we've been getting, we've been hanging with them in houston and austin and and uh, everywhere. The fans of the, the pot of the, the podcast, have been coming up to us.
Periel:We love it really at the shows.
Modi:That's so cute wait, can I open up for the really funny story that happened last night? Yes I went to visit a friend in a hospital and it was lenox hill hospital which I haven't really been to in a long time, and why?
Periel:I was born there. You were born in Lenox Hill.
Modi:Hospital, oh my God. So the corridors are very, very close. It's not like a big NYU where they built it on the highway where they had room. This is probably an apartment building. So the corridors are super close and they have stuff you know the machines, the beds, the nurse stations, and so when somebody's being wheeled back to their room from a procedure, you have to, like, get to the side and walk by anyway.
Modi:So I went to visit my friend and then I went to the bikur holim, which is the bikur holim, which is the, the pantry of jewish, of kosher food. Okay, you get, every hospital has one. You go if you find out where it is, and then you get that it's just a Hebrew written Bikur Cholim, which means to visit the sick, but it's also just a broader thing of you know the Jewish places. Whatever you need Jewish is there, and food, warm food, cold food, all kinds of food, and there's a code in hebrew, letters, like what numbers? Like gmail is three and you know. Okay, anyway, so it's so you went to go investigate the big hole. I went to go investigate the bigger hole.
Modi:I'm standing, I'm standing in the hospital corridor and they're wheeling this woman in. She's like in her 60s. She has a mask, got an oxygen on. She has the oxygen tank by her leg. She had like five woman in. She's like in her 60s. She has a mask on, an oxygen on, she has the oxygen tank by her leg. She had like five different machines. She's plugged to like a uh, the, the heart monitor, something else, and like and like a car battery. Like she's completely. She's completely wired up and I'm leaning against the wall and they're bringing her back from whatever procedure she's having. And then she recognizes me but she can't even like, she just goes, ah, ah she was dying.
Modi:So I go to her Shabbat Shalom. She goes ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ah ah, ah, could you imagine I would freak out? I mean literally, if she wasn't wired up and imagining it.
Leo:Let me get a picture.
Modi:Let me get a picture. She'd have been like that is so funny. Yeah, it's probably true.
Periel:She thought she just got to the gates of Jewish heaven.
Modi:I like that, I'll go with that. No, the poor thing. Look, they were bringing her back from God knows what. What do?
Periel:you mean, you know how thrilled these people would be if they get to heaven and they see you. You're the first person they see when they get there.
Modi:I like where this is going. I'm completely okay with this, but we do have a helic and all I'm about. We have a portion of the world to come as comedians, so we definitely will be up there greeting all of you that are nice. Those of you who aren't nice on YouTube and TikTok. We will not be seeing you, and if we do see you, leo's going to give you it right across your head.
Leo:Personally, I'm going to smash you like my halo and smash you on the head with it, and then you could come in Speaking of halo, what?
Modi:No, nothing Like a prayer. Yes, oh, my God. Okay, we need to discuss.
Periel:Okay, yeah.
Modi:Let's set this up, gus. Okay, yeah, okay, let's set this up. I go. I went to the. I had a few bits I wanted to put on tape, so I went to the comedy cell at a pop on and found out that during this past weekend Madonna came in with Amy.
Modi:Schumer. Amy Schumer came in with Madonna and Madonna went on stage at the. It says no gossip, this is all over the papers and everywhere. So it's not like Russian horror and it's not, you know, telling information what's happening at the cellar. And Madonna went on stage with a notebook full of material she thought was going to be unbelievably funny.
Leo:Sorry, just pause. She went on at the Village Underground right. She went on at the Comedy Cellar on McDougal Street. Oh my God, okay.
Modi:So just to reiterate, that's like max a hundred people, 120, 125, I think, packed to capacity, and it is packed to capacity every night, every night, every single night, and they and even though there's food and a lot of food, the comics don't feel it because the waitstaff is unbelievable and they are stealth. They're on another level of waitstaff, but madonna goes on from this is madonna and we need to discuss who she is in a minute and the whole the fact that this thing happened. And I spoke to comics that were in the room and imagine someone saying ladies and gentlemen, madonna, the room, yeah, like, yeah, okay, like they thought, maybe an impersonator, oh, and you never know anymore from what the visual of madonna is today yeah, you could put a lot of people upstage, but this is madonna, madonna um no, actually it's bob the drag queen.
Modi:Um so, so she went on and with a notebook and she was going paid.
Leo:So this was not like a whim on a whim. She's like you know what? I'll go up there.
Periel:She had a notebook she was ready at the cellar this is not the first time what's her deal she likes to do, stand up, she like but, anyway, she went up there and she, she bombed.
Modi:It was like she bombed the comedy cellar. I don't know if you guys know when you get to the comedy cellar there is always a chance a huge celebrity is going to go on jerry seinfeld, chris rock, louis ck, modi, um, dave chapelle, anybody could pop up there and do a few minutes and it's an element of the show. And this happened in the middle of the show, which means people saw the first part of the show and the rest of the show was Madonna not really doing comedy, just bombing.
Periel:How did she stay up for like so for?
Modi:40 minutes 40, 4-0. Bombing, um. How did she stay up for like so, for 40 minutes, 40 for zero. And those of you who don't have ever performed or been speaking, 40 minutes is an eternity, lifetime. It's a lifetime and the audience was like okay. First of all, at the comedy cello when a celebrity goes on, the, your phones are all away also key point the audience is is.
Modi:It's obviously a best place for comedy for for anybody to go on, because the phones are away, there's no taping, there's it's the yankee stadium of stands up comedy a hundred percent.
Modi:but it's also a private it's it's no one's taping you you know and no one's gonna. No one from the club is gonna be like page six. Madonna did comedy. No one's doing that at the comedy from the club is going to be like page six. Madonna did comedy. No one's doing that at the comedy. It's a safe, safe. It's a real safe space for comedians. It's a real safe space for comedians. So she goes on and at the cellar, when a celebrity goes on, the audience loses their mind. You just like, you feel a oh my God, Jerry Seinfeld, oh my God, Chris Rock, oh my God, Jerry Seinfeld, oh my God, Chris Rock, oh my God. And then they collect themselves and like what are they going to do? Like what's they? They want to hear comedy and what they have to do yeah, they want it to be funny.
Modi:Right, and it wasn't funny.
Leo:Right, so let's discuss that. You have a night out on the town. You're like we got tickets to the comedy seller hot commodity, not easy tickets to get correct. Like I want to come laugh. Are you taken with the novelty of being like? Oh my god, I saw madonna try to do stand-up to like make up for that, or are you like?
Periel:five minutes, you are like five minutes.
Leo:You're like oh, this is cool but then 35 minutes later you're like what is happening correct?
Periel:yeah, that's kind of what I thought by the way, why did no one give her the light? Because she's madonna light.
Modi:I one thing I will tell you celebrities do not get the light. It's not it's.
Leo:Did you imagine someone off stage just like come on, worst they can get the worst they can get.
Modi:The worst they can get is the mc standing in the doorway right, right, but they're never going to get a lot.
Periel:Who is hosting, do you know? I don't know.
Modi:But so now that's the conversation we're having here. Would you, if you had the opportunity, to have a night of comedy? You see five people.
Leo:Keeping in mind what we mentioned in like one of our last episodes, that we're in the outliers of people who consume comedy, like we see a lot of comedy. The average person maybe sees comedy like how many times a year they go out on the town.
Periel:Here's the thing. First of all, I think that for those of you us who are not like in the know, when you go to the cellar, most people are doing 15 minutes and then if somebody like huge like Chappelle comes yes, they don't get the light. They'll. Huge like chapelle comes yes, they don't get the light. They'll go on for as long as they want. However, if you're not dave chapelle and you're madonna and you're not a stand-up comedian.
Modi:It is, with all due respect, pretty arrogant. Well, to be doing 40 minutes I'd like to chime in on on this, on this conversation she keeps people waiting for. Go ahead when I see my audience and we're running late 15, 20 minutes late.
Leo:We're not running late, they're running late.
Modi:They're running late. Just to be clear, the show's running late.
Periel:You guys are never running late, we've been at the venue.
Modi:We've been at the venue, we've done soundcheck, we're going, we're having our meal in the back and we're not late, but the audience is coming late, so people come on time and now they're waiting over an hour to for the show and I'm like, oh, we're 20 minutes, we're 20 minutes behind and and I feel like they're fidgeting. You know, I have a great playlist and I, where they park, is it raining? This is a woman who can keep a 30,000 seat stadium waiting for two and a half hours with no air conditioning. She has no problem with that. So for her to keep 125 people Captive, captive, captive. I heard that the biggest laugh and the biggest applause they got was she finally closed the notebook. When she finally closed, like I'm done with, I'm done, she ran through all my material. I heard it was very, very dark. It was talking about. Well, I don't want to talk about what she was talking about, but that's not right. But but no, no, it's not, it's not. There's a reason. She did it to sell her. Maybe these are topics.
Leo:I think it's different that she is not a stand-up comedian, she is Madonna. She's a legend. She's a living legend, but unless you are a heavy hitter in the comedy world to go up there and just hijack the show is pretty crazy.
Periel:Go to Club Cumming and sing for 40 minutes what you think is fine.
Modi:So now let's discuss the audience. The audience now can say we went to the con for the rest of their life. Madonna came and she bombed and it was like a horrible show. No one's saying that.
Modi:They're going to.
Periel:Bullshit. They are saying that If she had gone and done 10, 15 minutes, even if it wasn't amazing, even if she wasn't super funny, I think that that novelty of oh my God, it was Madonna. Now she's done 40 minutes and it wasn't funny, and that's the story.
Modi:But no, the story is anybody in that room anytime the word Madonna comes up, even mad speaking of Madonna mad, mad, mad mad Madonna. Oh yeah, like a virgin, oh, like a prayer. Did you say prayer? Speaking of prayer, speaking of prayer? Madonna once came into the comedy cellar and I saw her do 40 minutes of bombing and 40 minutes of standup. First of all, if you say that I was at the comedy cellar and saw Madonna do 40, you better have on speed dial. Whoever you were there with.
Modi:Billy, were we there Like yeah, he were yeah, because it's a crazy story to have.
Leo:It's an insane story but this just goes back to like my ultimate not ultimate fear. But just like when you reach a certain level of fame and no one's there to tell you no, yeah, and you are just become so detached and floating in this alternate plane of reality where, like she doesn't see anything wrong with what she did and I mean I'm not saying there is something wrong but like there's no one in her life telling her no, being like, hey, maybe keep it short or don't do this at all, nobody's saying that.
Periel:Listen, maybe it's true, maybe when you get to madonna level fame, you can do that, and that's just the end of it I'm going to agree with leo on this.
Modi:I think it's very important to have somebody that says no to you yeah because you could.
Modi:At that level, especially at that level, you could spin out. You could spin out hey, get, get a camera crew there, bring this tape that hundreds of thousands of dollars and like, I want to do one bit about this and that you need to have someone who's completely grounded and more in touch with the world and more in touch with how it's. They can already see the finished product too. Yes, artists go, I mean, in the recording studios when they do their recordings.
Leo:They, they riff and they go crazy, and but it's set up for that, but right I'm just like saying but then producers go through those riffs and be like yes, no, yes, no the same way that nobody told michael jackson that he shouldn't have little boys sleeping at his house, or nobody told harvey. That was a hard, that was a hard.
Modi:That was a hard turn same thing that nobody's telling these that.
Periel:No, okay, you want to even not say that nobody's. No, doctors are telling michael jackson they're not going to perform plastic surgery on him or give him propofol every night.
Leo:If anyone wants to give me propofol, please get in touch, but you're talking about more on a creative base.
Modi:I once did a music video for somebody. I did it as a favor and it was pretty bad and I was in it and I was like it was a cameo. It was a cameo, I did an appearance in it and it was it was. It was something you can tell that this person thought through and no one said to them no, you're not this, this is not you. And it's not great it's like, but I did it to you know.
Periel:whenever you can do, do something so that, when you can't, you can say no, it's like you never did anything.
Leo:for me, that's a piece of wait. So can we, if we're done with Madonna? No, no, keep going. I do have. I did insert, forcibly insert a Madonna remix into your pre-show playlist, just so that I can hear it on like theater sound systems.
Modi:And we've kept it, and we've kept it, and it's really good. It's how we. What's it from?
Leo:It's from the movie Deadpool, which is around Reynolds like superhero movie. I will tell you the name of the track.
Modi:It's choir sings it's like a prayer.
Leo:It's like a prayer choir version from Deadpool and Wolverine.
Modi:It's so amazing and we played in the theater and the whole. It's very like gothic, like when you call my name.
Modi:Yeah, like a choir singing it and the whole audience is like shaking and the people in Houston were like, wow, we never saw it put together. Then I have like a funnier song afterwards to just like cause it pulls them together. It pulls them together, yeah, and they're like OK, we're here for a moment, shut up everybody, and then we have a funnier song and then we start the show and Leo has been getting better and better and better and better and the introductions of the shows I'm telling you right now, folks, madonna with her watcher back, exactly. So let me give you my Madonna stories, if I can. Okay, two, two good Madonna stories.
Modi:Once at the Kabbalah center, we were, they like they taught some some piece of knowledge and then they said to break into groups and I was in a group with her as I was friends with her friends, and we were sitting there and we were having a discussion and I I remember saying to her that I felt Los, we were having a discussion, and I remember saying to her that I felt Los Angeles was like a desert, so the energy there is slower. And she goes no, it's not. And so that was that and that was my big interaction.
Modi:No, it's not. And then one time I was performing at the Kabbalah Center and she was in the front row. I was killing, performing at the Kabbalah Center and she was in the front row, I was killing. And then I had this joke about performing in Florida doing the Florida circuit and I turned to Madonna. I go have you ever done the Florida circuit? And she's not going to be like a bitch about it. She goes no, I go. Well, stick with it, eventually you'll get there.
Periel:And she cracked up and it was cute, and that was our moment, and that was it well, let me ask you this would you guys tell her to wrap it up and not do if?
Leo:I was her, yeah, but then. But then you don't raise to the echelon of like inner circle entourage to that person. If you are saying no, so I would weed myself out years ago, if that makes sense, which I'm not ashamed. Maybe it's a character flaw.
Modi:If you're in her inner circle, I'm sure she has people who tell her no, that's not okay.
Periel:I'm sure the only people who tell her that are her kids. I don't know anyway, but I was very excited to see her there. I happen to like madonna a lot I love madonna, she's like it's the og, totally she was my hero growing up, and the only thing that got me as excited to seeing that she was at the cellar was that she posted a picture of herself with steven klein, the fashion photographer, and he was rocking a big jewish oh wow, I know Stephen Klein.
Modi:Yeah, so I'm now at the comics table.
Modi:Of course, this discussion is happening a day after. And then I go. This is a legend, this is a true icon Paved the way before media, before social media, and they were like, yeah, but no one under 30 kind of knows her, no one under 20 could. The comics were vicious, vicious Like guys. This is Madonna. This is packing arena.
Leo:Yeah, let's be real, let's be real.
Modi:It's end of the day. This is Madonna, so that's that.
Leo:On the same note, I had to kill like 15 minutes in midtown, ish, manhattan yesterday and I walked into a barnes and noble, which I have not. First of all I was like this is still here and it was so crazy. But there's people in there shopping and very like, slow, like at an appropriate level for a barnes and noble. They were playing um, do you in Life After Love by Cher, and the way every single person in that establishment was mouthing along or singing out loud, I was like damn, cher really went off with that like she did that and she didn't come out with that track until she was in her 50s way later.
Modi:Yeah, way, way later. That is a jam. She's a legend and I think madonna could probably do another concert in another album. I think she has that in her somewhere. I don't know, I've never seen her live.
Leo:I wish I would have, yeah what yeah? I haven't had the chance to I don't?
Periel:you guys are gonna get your gay cards like taken away.
Modi:I've seen her? Are you crazy guys?
Leo:I saw her live I wish I could have seen like confessions on a dance floor, madonna, but I think I missed the boat.
Periel:I think I saw her when I was in my 20s in paris live and then I saw her, like in the past, like I don't know, you know, whenever she did the brooklyn at the at bam, I saw that it was better right yeah, but I'd like to move.
Modi:Speaking of iconic women, can we discuss the inauguration? Yes, Can we discuss. Melania Tenza crossed the board. I want to clap for Melania Tenza. Ivanka killed it. That green, it was green, it was from and it was chic and it was amazing, but Melania slayed the hat you like that hat so I call it the oyve hat.
Modi:It's the. It's. So, if you're, if you're, if you're, if you're wearing like the hat, right, it's like a long brim hat. It really looks like one of the chassid hats. It's called the plachka. The bibber hit this long. There's a small, there's a special hat, looks just like it. But I call it an oyve hat because if someone says something crazy, you can just, instead of the camera catching your face yeah, you can just go.
Modi:Oyve, oyve. You just just put the brim down and your entire face is hidden. When donald trump said we're going to rename the gulf of mexico to the gulf of america, hillary burst out laughing yeah, and milan just put the hat down like, okay, that's what he wants to do, that right now.
Leo:Yeah, it's an oive hat to go through a historic televised event and not let anyone see into your eyes, spiritually and energetically, is so witchy and so powerful, such a crazy move for her to pull off. But she did it. She was like I'm here, but I'm not here, she's she killed it, she.
Modi:We now know that everything you know, every inauguration that's gonna ever happen, they always go through the last know. Here's the looks that all the first ladies pulled and here's the da, da, da da that all the first ladies did. And no one's ever topping this, ever, ever. And I, I believe, I believe that, um, there has to be gays in her life to pull that outfit together and that hat and the makeup. There's gotta be somebody gay there making sure this is going to be amazing.
Periel:Yeah, it's like Billy Porter.
Modi:Whatever. And then I look at the other side of the of the of the dais of the inauguration and that there's no gays. Kamala has no gays, hillary has no gays dressing her. I said the only one who might have a gay is Michelle Obama and her gays said don't go might have a gay is Michelle Obama, and her gaze said don't go.
Periel:Do you think that somebody pitched Melania that hat like? Do you think she had the outfit and they're like?
Leo:and she's like no, she spoke. I read a whole thing about the Mildner who made the hat and it first arrived it. He took him like weeks and weeks to hand make it and then it arrived damaged and then he was. He's based in miami. He like hand drove a new version that he had to make in like three days to mar-a-lago, to her stylist, who then took it to her, but he said he never met her directly oh my god you know, you know who began as a miller miller.
Leo:How do you say it miller Millier.
Periel:How do?
Leo:you say it, millner.
Modi:Oh, okay, a hat maker. What's his name? Halston, halston. Oh right, right. Really that series was so good, that was such a great.
Periel:Halston was so good.
Modi:Yeah, but he began making women's hats and then it blew up into more and more and more. But I mean, wow, yeah, that was. But she I'm sure spoke with whoever she spoke and says I want to.
Modi:So she has people telling her no yeah, no, she's, she's so much handling it. So I said I said you can tell the quality of a woman by the gaze she keeps. You can tell the quality of a woman by the gaze she keeps. And and my heart goes out to any woman who doesn't have gays in her life. You have no one to check in with, no one to, to get an opinion from no one, to get a compliment from your raw dogging life with a straight man. Do you know how harsh that is is so harsh you have to have gays in your life. And so she definitely told them like she gave, like I want to be there and not to be there. And she was that, and they were like I got you yeah.
Modi:I know exactly what you mean oh wow, wow, bravo, bravo God, oh, my God.
Periel:Have you liked Ivanka's get up too? I love.
Modi:Ivanka. I love Ivanka and Jared, it's just I'm just obsessed with them. I think they're amazing. I'm not, you know, like you know, everybody's like crazy Trump, but Ivanka and Jared, I believe I'm a fan of.
Periel:By the way, I heard a long time ago that people were complaining. They're this, they're that. But I heard a long time ago that people were complaining this, they're that, but I heard that they were the ones who kept Trump sane. They're like you have no idea what would have been going on if Ivanka and Jared weren't around.
Leo:Right, but that's not reassuring Cause. Then you're like who's actually at the wheel here?
Modi:It's reassuring to me and you have to. You have to. That's not how the presidency works.
Periel:To me and you have to, you have to have. That's not how the presidency works, Don't worry.
Leo:Ivanka was there.
Periel:Well, well, like that's how.
Leo:We didn't vote for Jared and Ivanka I.
Modi:I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I I.
Periel:I, I, I got how it's supposed to work.
Modi:I said this is the first election that everybody's asking everybody else who'd you vote for? Like never, ever do you have an election where people are like it's such a personal, private. The whole thing about being American is you choose who you vote for. There's a curtain, you know, and people ask me who'd you vote for? I said Sky Rizzi, the moderate to severe plaque psoriasis medication. Because when I was watching the campaign, you know, when they were camp, well, one was campaigning, one was in a courtroom, but while I was watching all of this, you know, you see the immigrants coming over the border, you see the groceries, the inflation, but and then you see the sky, rizzy, commercial, and everybody's happy and it's sunny, and the kids are running through the field and hiking and biking and and that's what America should look like Interracial couples bringing food over for dinner. That's Sky Rizzy.
Periel:Hilarious, I told everybody. I wrote Cat Williams in.
Modi:I would love Cat Williams as president. He would be amazing he would be amazing, Amazing, but um he's, it's pretty crazy. The whole Elon Musk stuff.
Leo:Yeah amazing it would be amazing, amazing. But um, he's, it's pretty crazy the whole elon musk stuff. Yeah, uh, I was. I was waiting to see if we were gonna bring that up, because I don't want it to like suck up a lot of time but like yes or no, nazi salute I don't think so yes or no nazi?
Leo:uh, not, not, wow, same. So like, first of all, at the risk of sounding extremely stupid, which I do all the time on this podcast, false, uh, I feel like, because people pointed out like he was wearing a hostage um dog tag and he's visited auschwitz, so like he can't be a nazi. But I would argue like an egomaniac like that can kind of straddle both worlds and like understand the body language that that like comes from from, like a dictator kind of thing, like I'm an oligarch, I'm doing this, like body language that I've seen in history, and like maybe he's not doing it from an actual nazi.
Periel:And look, I'm not like a fan of you.
Leo:The thing that, the thing that, sorry the thing that kind of solidified this, because I really wasn't sure and I kind of I was so topsy-turvied by it. I saw they were debating this on a news show and the news anchor said, okay, if it wasn't a Nazi salute, then do it right now on live TV. And the guy wouldn't do it and I was like that's, I mean no, I don't think that.
Periel:That's that. I mean you can say that somebody said some like racial slur and it be debated, and then they say, well, then you say it. It's like well, no, I don't want to say it, but that doesn't mean that that's what he did.
Modi:When I finished my shows and I put the mic down and people are clapping I always do like this I was like this my heart, thank you all so much for my heart.
Modi:I always do that. It's because, literally, my heart's like throbbing. I'm in love with everybody in the room Like that. It's not one hand, okay. Second of all, with Elon Musk. First of all, let's take this with a grain of appreciation. The first time Donald trump got into office, his bestie, his good friend, was the my pillow guy. This is a big upgrade. This is a very, very big upgrade. Okay, and um, and he's excited and he's a little I'm what is as burgery or all that's a cop.
Modi:First of all, he's okay, and, and let me tell you something Trump is going to do and has done good things for the Jews, but he also has a base that's white supremacists, and they have to feel represented. And so him yep, that is an insane thing to say it's got they. They need to feel represented. And you think that's what Musk is, is there for to make they all celebrated and they couldn't have been happier, so imagine everybody's happy that's insane what you just said is insane lodi.
Modi:So I'm allowed to say it. I'm allowed to say insanity. So on that same day, as is elon musk earlier in the day doing doing a gesture which really with again, we watch the news with no sound. So when I see him doing this, it's him saying I know all the pornography you're watching on X. That's basically what it looks like to me. Okay, and then he brought the hostages on. He brought hostages onto the platform that a few hours before Elon Musk did this. So everybody feels represented here. Oh my.
Leo:God, this is absurd. I'm sorry, no.
Periel:I just think that it was a really stupid thing to do and I really hope it was not a dog whistle to these maniac like far right wing-.
Leo:Who used his platform? Yes, have you been on X recently? It's insane.
Periel:Yes, I really hope that it's not that. I do think that like Nazi is like a really loaded heavy word word and is it like? Again, I'm not a fan of Elon Musk. Is he really like? Is he really a Nazi like? Was that really a Nazi salute, I don't know, isn't he?
Modi:like hanging out with, like, is he really a?
Periel:Nazi. Was that really a Nazi salute? I don't know. Isn't he hanging out with Ted Shapiro In my mind again?
Modi:I always try to think about what's happening backstage over there. So I'm sure he said to Trump I'm going to do this thing, my heart goes to all of you and Trump's like a Nazi salute. And he goes you're going to do it? I don't know yet. I'm going to be in the moment, I'll feel it out. And then later in the day Donald Trump's having lunch in the Congress with Chuck Schumer and he goes did he do it? Did he do it? He did it, he did it. Okay, he did it all right enough about Elon Musk?
Leo:why don't you guys?
Periel:weigh in, weigh in. Let us know what I mean. That's a fair point.
Modi:And I watched later in the day when he had the hostages on and I felt that was a win for me.
Leo:Well, we're living in the upside down topsy-turvy. Is that there's an?
Modi:expression in Kabbalah called mat, with another thing existing that completely contradicts each other.
Leo:Do we have any questions? Wow, wait that was good.
Modi:I think I said that over. Really well, would you?
Periel:like to say something else over really well what.
Modi:Oh God, do you know what everybody agrees on, both white supremacists and Jews? Really?
Leo:No, cut that Start again Our sponsor. Really no Cut that Start again. Our sponsor.
Modi:We'll take this moment to thank our sponsors. A&h Provisions the most delicious glot kosher food that there is. It meets that there is. Kosherdognet is the website. Go in there, get some stuff, get a lot of stuff. If it's your first order, get a lot of stuff and use promo code Mody and you get 30% off. The food's delicious, it's from a factory that's beautifully kept and pride is in there. Also, weitz and Luxembourg, the law firm that not only does well, they do good, super philanthropic and big, big collaborators of the podcast. Thank you, arthur, and thank you Randy for listening to it and telling him what we talked about.
Periel:And the website for that is whiteluxcom.
Modi:Move on to the next topic. Now. What do we got going on next?
Periel:We do have some questions.
Periel:Okay, you want, like, you want to start out with light, or you want I don't know, throw something out of go ahead does leo ever plan to convert?
Modi:Next question no does moody perform weddings yes, so actually actually actually funny, you should ask I, you know, say I don't do weddings. You know there's every kind of I'm above doing weddings unless they call with the price tag and they're oh, it's a Jewish wedding, yeah, it's like that's a good yelling stick. But we did a wedding in Monaco. I wasn't there to perform, I was there to be part of the wedding. I did the blessing. I officiate not officiate.
Periel:But I did the blessing, not officiate, but I did the blessing. That's what they want to know Do you officiate?
Modi:I do. I do it now only for family and friends, but I have a license from the state of New York to officiate at a wedding and I know the entire ceremony and I'm a very good mesader. Kiddushin the person who puts in order the kiddushin, which is the service in the chuppah. So the price is right. Yes, I do it, but the price is very high and unless your family or friends. So my niece's weddings, all of that I do, and friends I'll do, but go ahead next.
Periel:Worst Jewish food. What's the worst Jewish?
Modi:food oh pacha who. Pacha, pacha is the most disgusting thing that has ever been. And there's people that if you ask them what's the best jewish food, they're gonna say pacha, what's pacha pacha is something that I guess hungarian jews, I think, eat.
Modi:It's um, or maybe just hasidic jews it's. It's a jelly that's made out of the no, the bones of like. Yeah, it's a jelly that's made out of the bones of like. It's disgusting and it's such a delicacy and, you see, when people are served they're like we're having bachata night and it is the most.
Leo:I'm going to vomit.
Modi:No, no, you would vomit if you saw it. Imagine, did you ever see like when gefilte fish comes in those cans with that glop? Now, that glop with like a meat thing? It's so gross. It's so gross why People are going to freak if they hear that my mother's pachal is the best pachal in the world. I can't believe you ever heard of pachal.
Periel:It's like jelly, it's like jello, it's kind of like an asambuco.
Modi:It's like the ankle of the.
Periel:It's so gross, the ankle Something is yeah, it's so, yeah, okay, next, okay, why do you send messages in the middle of the night?
Modi:Oh, what the person is asking. Why are you sending messages in the middle of the night? And that's responding to the viewers, to the people who DM us. I don't touch my phone during the day. I don't look at Instagram during the day.
Leo:Turn your notifications off.
Periel:No, it's because we're in New York.
Modi:Yeah, oh, no. No, but I do if I'm answering. If I can't sleep at night, I'll go to the sofa.
Modi:I'll look at the last things we've posted and answer almost everybody, and if they write in Hebrew, I answer in Hebrew. Sometimes I just write directly in Hebrew and I write, but that's what I do. At three in the morning, four in the morning, that's when I write back.
Leo:I probably posted this question prompt and it popped up in their DM. But like that's what I thought, that I thought they're question prompt and it popped up in their DM.
Periel:That's what I thought. I thought they're in Israel and they saw this in the middle because you're in New York.
Leo:Sorry, we're on Eastern time.
Periel:And also, why are you on Instagram in the middle of the night. It's like it's waking you up.
Leo:Maybe their notifications are obviously not set properly.
Periel:Austin again, please.
Modi:Austin was great. Austin was amazing. How was austin? It was. It was so crazy. We got there and they haven't had snow or a cold front in 25 years and we got there and the day before the schools were closed and everything was that's right I saw something on instagram.
Periel:You guys were stuck in the airport, or.
Modi:We weren't stuck in the airport. We got there on time. It was just cold, it was 35 to 40 degree weather. They were. They didn't know what to do with themselves. They were expecting snow. They were expecting an inch of snow and all the schools were closed and every business was closed. And we went to the Equinox and the stores that were next door to the Equinox were all closed and the Equinox said we might be closing early and it was like.
Leo:Meanwhile the sidewalks are like bone dry. There's like sun.
Modi:It was a dusting. There was a dusting in the middle of the night and they were ready to close. Luckily, everybody showed up and it was great. And the show was great and Austin's a vibe, and it was at a comedy club so it was like even more intimate and like every joke just popped and popped, and popped.
Periel:I was obsessed with that picture of you, that with the cowboy hat, when you were little what is that? Why are you? I found that why are you wandering around around Israel?
Modi:It wasn't Israel, it was in America. Here's people who are a little bit older are going to remember this. So back in the day when you bought cigarettes, you could peel the back off and you get that you collected points. Marlboro.
Modi:It was the OG frequent flyer Marlboro coupons and if you collected a certain amount, you send it to where the catalog was and you got a bag. And the bags are amazing and we still use them.
Periel:We have them in the house Marlboro bags.
Modi:Marlboro bags are amazing, but there were also cups and there were hats, and there was a cowboy hat you could order. Now, my father owned gas stations, so or worked with gas stations, so he they would sell cigarettes and from the carton itself. So we had crazy amount of points. It was a.
Leo:Marlboro Marl, I can't say it. It was a branded cowboy hat.
Modi:That's amazing, but I ripped the Marlboro off and so-.
Periel:Even at that young tender age.
Modi:That young, tender age. I took it off and I just like I had a little cowboy hat.
Periel:That is unbelievable.
Modi:That's where that hat's from. It's the Marlboro man. Oh my God, could anybody who's listening to this if you have anything left from the Marlboro era? Send me pictures or send it to our PO box. Yes, oh my God, but the bag we had is a bag that's which we still use it it's it was made like a duffel bag, it was. It was a very like the Marlboro man, the the camping. You remember this?
Modi:yeah of course I used to send them in because I used to smoke also yeah, and the t-shirts were amazing to collect the musk, but your dad did it. This was when you were well, my dad, they would give him the, so he would sell a carton and, but from the carton you'd get, like the, the points from the carton, not from the cigarette it would have. We had a lot of points with a lot of gas stations and also your mom used to smoke my mom used to yeah, yeah, but she didn um, come to panama, okay.
Periel:Um, this one killed me. When are you coming next to new york?
Leo:girl, look at me. We did three shows at the beacon theater in december 3 000 seats each show and you missed the boat and it's going to be a minute until we do it again. So unless we do a pop-up and then just make sure you got that, uh, make sure you're on the email list or you're in Modi's broadcast channel on Instagram, so that if we do do a pop-up in the comedy club somewhere in the city, you know, because those go in like hours those go in like hours.
Modi:My mom came to the uh, my mom came to. I did two shows in houston and one of the shows we had to cancel a show on wednesday because of the threat of this ridiculous storm. So they canceled that show and they moved it to friday. So the thursday show was packed and, as it was a sold out show and then so was Wednesday, but they had to move it to Friday. So half the people asked for their refunds. Fair, which is fair, we love you. I got it. You weren't planning on a Friday event, it was a Wednesday event. So whatever you had going on Friday, we got it, and Shabbat and whatever, we love you. And I'm glad you got your money back. And it was a smooth transition. I walked on and made kiddish. I walked on. It's Friday night. I walked on, I made kiddish, we had a great time. And then I did the show and it was great, but the room was like half empty.
Modi:And my mom was at both shows. She was, yeah, my mom loves to see who came and who's on her guest list and she loves that stuff and she's I mean, the energy of the second show is even better than the first show, Even though it was like a third of the people it was litty, it was lit. It was great. It was great. Houston's yeah, fun.
Periel:Somebody wrote kishka. What does that mean?
Modi:Kishka is something you eat. It's also your interns.
Periel:interns and trails your no, your intestines um, okay, I thought that, like maybe I was missing something. This is I think you guys have addressed this, but I'll read it to you. Was your relationship difficult and challenging, coming from totally different backgrounds and age differences? If yes, how did you overcome it?
Leo:I feel like in the gay world this age difference isn't as much of a thing as in the straight world. So there's that, and then I feel like I'm kind of mature for my age and you're kind of a youthful spirit, so we meet in the middle if that makes sense, oh my god and also in terms of like the different backgrounds. I mean like that's so many people come from different backgrounds and end up in relationships together.
Periel:I don't know, and it was never.
Leo:I people don't really don't overthink it, but this was also, you had this list of an idea of who you wanted to meet right I said I wanted someone funny, I wanted someone spiritual and I wasn't someone who was culturally different from me in a way that I could like, learn and grow from.
Periel:And I got an israeli jewish comedian period so it seems like the answer to that question is the actual opposite, that it was quite enriching.
Leo:Intentional what it was. Quite intentional.
Modi:And the differences are not even the religious and background stuff. The difference is I see everything is going to be amazing, it's going to be wonderful. I love everybody, I trust everybody and he's what he's got his two eyes, rottweiler is like I'm not giving a right right away into this person. Let's see what happens, and that's very important. There's somebody saying no, there's somebody saying no and for the right reasons, and yeah, and that's good.
Leo:What you are, you're more a I don't know if I'm the bad cop here, not the bad cop, but more I don't know.
Modi:It's not bad cop, it's not good cop, bad cop it's.
Leo:I trust my gut, I trust my intuition. It's usually right, and I'm too trusting. Sometimes, I'm wrong, but I'm 95% of the time right.
Periel:That's a good thing.
Modi:And he loves when he's validated on it.
Leo:He loves. I don't need the validation, but I do like it yeah.
Modi:Like when he calls, like, calls out someone as a, as a, this is bad, yeah, not good, it's not going to be okay. And then we meet somebody else who worked with that person and said they were horrible. I worked with them, they were disastrous. I'm like, oh, okay, so I wasn't wrong.
Leo:I go back into my files and I go yes, correct, We'll meet someone and I'll turn to you and I'll go I smell crazy. And then something will happen months later or sometime later and I'll be validated, Yep.
Periel:Yes, I've bared witness to that. I've bared witness to it many, many times. And do you?
Leo:want to know. You want to know why it works. It's because I'm also crazy, so I don't claim to be better than thou or whatever, but it's because crazy recognizes crazy. So watch out, that's funny.
Periel:Do you have um any? Any moments that you'd like to oy vey. About which oy vey do? We want to introduce this new segment yeah, I guess what new segment there's a segment of what's the podcast called. Las Culturistas where they go. I don't think so.
Leo:I don't think so right. They go off about like something that they're over. Okay, they're over it.
Periel:We were talking about borrowing that sentiment, except that ours would be like an oive and I mean I've had a few, let's have yours. What's your oive moment? No, no, you guys go first.
Modi:No, no, no, no, you brought it up.
Periel:What's your Oy Vey moment? No, no, you guys go first.
Modi:No, no, no, no, you brought it up. You go ahead, Tell us your Oy Vey.
Leo:My Oy Vey moment is people asking when we're going to do New York. And you just did three shows at the Beacon Theater in New York.
Leo:That's Oy Vey. I'm like Oy Vey. Please sign up for the email list.
Modi:One of my Oy VeyAs is the news which we don't watch. We do not watch, but everything when I do get thrown into it like I was in someone's room and I saw that it was on it everything sounds like it's the end of the world. Everything sounds like it's the end of the world.
Leo:The media is doing it. It's like it's a series finale of America.
Periel:They are working.
Modi:Everybody calm down, yeah, everybody calm down, everybody calm down Sky Rizzi, it's a series finale what are you guys doing?
Periel:everybody calm down it's pretty deflating to watch that stuff. It's garbage, it's toxic. I don't watch it.
Modi:I don't watch it either. Do not watch the news. People get your headlines from somewhere, but do not sit there and just have that. They keep it on and just looping and loop. In the next hour the next person comes on and gives the same stories and their opinion and their spin on it. It's really awful.
Periel:The only thing that I watch on the news and this takes an emotional toll too is what's going on with the hostages.
Modi:Right, but that I get from Instagram. Yeah, emotional toll too is what's going on with the hostages right, but that I get from my instagram. Yeah, I, I don't watch, I don't put cnn to see what's happening. No, no, I have all my. I watch all the hostages, uh, all the bring them homes and all of that to see what's happening. And and every night when I put my phone down, I pray and imagine and almost see me picking it up the next day with like four release today and and sometimes it happens, and sometimes that's a good note for us to end on, and then we will do some clips that I need you to do for promo.
Leo:Thank you so much for tuning in. We have lots of tour dates coming up. They're all at modi livecom. If you don't see one near you, sign up for the mailing list, because we're always adding dates and we're about to add european dates. So if you're in europe, stay tuned um. My email is info at modilifecom.
Modi:Thank you all very much for listening thank you all very much and be the friend that brings the friends of the comedy show. Get some tickets to a comedy show near you, close to you, somebody you know, buy them tickets. Everything's on modilifecom that's creating Moshiach Energy and thank you all for listening. Thank you to our sponsors, a&h and Weizs in Luxembourg. Thank you all.